What Happens When Choosing an Addiction Treatment Approach

Addiction Treatment Program List

When seeking a rehabilitation program for your (or a loved one’s) addiction, it is certain to be a long, and rough road.  Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands Canada is a rehabilitation facility that treats several types of addiction and offers a wide selection of treatment programs.

Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands Canada is aware of the distressing effects that addiction has for Canadians, and realizes that it often hits close to or at home.  Addiction Rehab offers the finest of venues in which substance abusers and dependents can say good-bye to that addiction forever and go on to make a fresh new start with a life of sobriety.

To get the program started, Addiction Rehab offers a detox treatment program at a sister facility site, in which the patients are transferred to. 

As a comprehensive rehab, Addiction Rehab is consistently observing the step-by-step process in which to handle your addiction; by starting with detox as a way to help the patient surpass the symptoms of withdrawal as the beginning process of coming off addiction.  Addiction Rehab is aware that proper management and supervision of withdrawal symptoms is of great importance, because failing to do so can result in serious consequences, even death.

The treatment programs at Addiction Rehab is intended to safely wean patients from the substance abuse and use with as minimal withdrawal symptoms as possible. The methods used for rehabilitation are safe and thorough; ensuring there will be no cases of relapse for any of the patients.

The list of addiction treatments offered at Addiction Rehab includes the following:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Heroine
  • Prescription drugs
  • Meth
  • Inhalants
  • Amphetamines
  • Opioid
  • Alcohol

Long after completing one or even several of Addiction Rehab’s treatment programs, the client can still benefit from and receive after-care and follow-up services.  These services are to ensure recovery over the long haul as well as prevent any future relapses.  Addiction Rehab wants all patients to feel they are not alone and that they have all the supportive services needed to succeed in the treatment programs and beyond.  Addiction Rehab will monitor your success, and keep in touch even once you have left the facility as a way of giving you the ongoing support needed should a craving come back and try to suck you back in the addiction once more.

About Addiction Rehab:

Addiction Rehab follows a holistic approach towards recovery from addiction, while offering clients the best liberating experience and answers to their substance addiction.  Addiction Rehab aims to help the person, not just the addiction; because that is the only true possibility a recovering person can go on to live a healthy, substance-free, sober life.

If you or someone you love has an addiction to one or several of the above mentioned substances, call Addiction Rehab today and a friendly specialist will schedule an appointment for a consultation and free walk-through of the facility. 

Media Contact
Company Name: 1000 Islands Addiction Rehab
Contact Person: Chris F.
Email: info@addictionrehabthousandislands.ca
Phone: (855) 885-5805
City: Toronto
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Website: https://addictionrehabthousandislands.ca/