The Booked and Beautiful Agency announces the launch of new titled Marriage Chronicles: A Guide to a Resilient Marriage, with 15 stories of triumph over hardship in marriage and relationships
The Booked and Beautiful Agency has announced the launch of a unique guide on marriage and relationship, as it releases its new book titled Marriage Chronicles: A Guide to a Resilient Marriage, where the agency tells the stories of triumph over hardship in marriage and relationships in a bid to help couples make their relationship stronger and overcome challenges.
Families are the smallest yet most important units of the society, as everything and individual originates from the family. The origin of the family, and indeed a happy family is a happy and fulfilling marriage. Unfortunately, the incidence of failed relationships and broken marriages is on the rise, with many couples giving in to the different challenges of marriages and consequently getting divorced after a few years. Statistics have shown that odds of a marriage ending in divorce as gone as high as 50 percent in recent times, and this is only considering marriages in the United States. Therefore, it has become imperative to look at the causes of divorce and proffer effective solutions designed for marriages in the 21st century. This is where The Booked and Beautiful Agency is looking to make a difference not only in the United States but across the globe with the launch of their new book.
Unlike other relationship and marriage guides that are sometimes often filled with rather abstract and even impracticable tips, Marriage Chronicles: A Guide to a Resilient Marriage is the story of 15 different couples of different race and backgrounds, providing readers with real-life stories of couples that have triumphed over hardship in relationship and marriages.
Marriage Chronicles: A Guide to a Resilient Marriage is particularly unique for its originality as the stories in the book are real-life chronicles of couples and how they were able to overcome their challenges. This further allows readers to have a broad view of the different challenges that can expect to face in their relationship as well as ways of dealing with such challenges to make their relationships happy.
The book also stands out from other relationship guides, with contributions from A-list writers and dating experts such as Afua Jones, Lashanda Jenene, Trina Hooks, and Bridget Leonard. Other contributors are Melissa Mimi Ewell, Audrey Lovings-Clark, Jasmine Carstarphen-Killiebrew, Laquita Cox Clark, and Kendra C. Sikes, the visionary.
The book also comes with a bonus section that contains simple yet effective dating tips and how to know if one has found his or her God-given mate. The bonus section is particularly made for persons that are just starting their dating relationship and those that are looking for their soul mate to build a happy family with.
Marriage Chronicles: A Guide to a Resilient Marriage is scheduled to be launched soon, with pre-order available from August 1st, 2018.
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