New Platform Offers Health Workers Resources to Help Them Launch Their Freelance and Virtual Business, Reducing Burnout and Enabling Remote Working

With CliniQuirkâ„¢, health workers from any part of the world can access the resources they need to freelance or opening a virtual business, allowing them to work on their terms and earn income

The remote workforce boom is one of the legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic. When COVID-19 broke out, a global lockdown was issued to curb the spread of the virus. During this period, the world embraced the idea of working remotely. Even after the lockdown rules have been eased, it is not looking likely that people will forgo the idea of remote jobs. In the healthcare sector, the outbreak of the virus created more workload for health workers and practitioners with many seeking and wanting to work remotely as burnout rates increase every day.

Aside from the perspective of health workers, companies now understand that they can offer quality services to their patients through remote workers. As healthcare providers and workers consider working remotely to meet the growing needs of patients, the next issue they will face is access to resources and information that can help them venture into this line of service provision. On this note, BA Virtual Support LLC is excited to announce the launch of CliniQuirk™, an online support shop that provides health workers with the resources to launch their freelancing career or open their virtual business. The shop is an all-inclusive platform that offers everything needed to work remotely either as an individual or a company.

“Starting a business in the healthcare sector can seem daunting, but CliniQuirk™ is here to help make it a little easier,” explained Brianna Angulo, Founder of BA Virtual Support. “Our mission is to provide support to health professionals, newcomers, creatives and curious minds who want to create a remote business they can be proud of. CliniQuirk™ offers online tools to help guide you in your journey to entrepreneurship. Whether you’re an experienced business owner or the newest freelancer on the block, our tools are made to help make this process smooth.”

CliniQuirk™ assists health workers who want to transit from working in clinics and hospitals to working online or those looking to create side income by providing their expertise/services online. The platform is built to cater to an audience of experienced health workers, people that have the experience and a background of working within the healthcare sector. Brianna and the team behind CliniQuirk™ understands the online world, the importance of keeping up with the ‘times,’ and the need for the availability of tools/resources created by online experts.

While health workers are incredibly experienced in their roles, they may not know how to navigate social media or the online world which is why CliniQuirk™ is unique. The shop bridges the gap between the expertise and knowledge of health workers and the resources they need to actively navigate the online world.

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About CliniQuirk™

CliniQuirk™ is an online shop that contains resources and materials that can help health workers such as medical office workers, patient schedulers,medical billers and coders, patient access specialists, health information management clerks,medical assistants, social workers, research staff members, certified nursing assistants, and technicians transition to working remotely. The shop helps these professionals grow their skillset, connect to a broader network, enjoy more freedom, and flexibility.

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Media Contact
Company Name: BA Virtual Support LLC
Contact Person: Brianna Angulo
Email: Send Email
Phone: 720-919-2637
Country: United States