October 10, 2016 – Sydney, NSW, Australia – Australia’s all time accurate investor and financial advisor to many wealthy organizations and families has been gaining slow and steady recognition in the field of stock market. Michael Kodari is no doubt one of the most valuable assets of the country, and he might as well be Australia’s own Warren Buffet with his precision and accuracy when it comes to making fiscal choices.
Michael Kodari is rightly termed as the “Golden child of the stock market” for his fearlessness, when it comes to the stock market he is not hesitant to take on the world’s largest banking institutions. He trusts his skills and advices with utmost accuracy.
“I am very certain about my strategy and put myself on the line to demonstrate exactly how accurate we can pick businesses not just one, or three times, but every single time.” Said Michael Kodari.
His accuracy and knack for helping people make sound fiscal decisions have earned him a poster in the Time’s Square in New York. He is also the owner of KOSEC (Kodari Securities), and he makes sure good ethic and the right kind of working environment keeps the company rolling. He constantly engages in philanthropist activities and believes in giving back to the community.
His dedication and spot on advice have led him to be invited by the Chinese government. This is a first time he has been invited by a foreign government. He will be advising China on asset allocation offshore and within China.
For more information, visit: http://www.kosec.com.au/
About Michael Kodari:
Michael Kodari is one of the nation’s most consistent, top performing investors. A philanthropist and one of Australia’s prominent experts in the stock market, he has been referred to as ‘the brightest 21st century entrepreneur in wealth management’ and ‘a trailblazer within the Australian stock market’, by CNBC Asia. With a strong background in funds management and stock broking, Michael has worked with some of Australia’s most successful value investors and consulted to leading financial institutions. Michael Kodari is the Founder and CEO of KOSEC.
Recent Media Appearances:
StarCentral Magazine: http://www.starcentralmagazine.com/featured-post/2016/08/20/make-way-for-michael-kodari-the-undisputed-king-of-the-investment-world-down-under/
Channel 7- “Elevator Pitch” show – Money Expert
CNBC – “Inside China’s Future” – Expert Panelist, with government dignitaries from China. The only person invited from Australia by the Chinese government to setup a joint venture to advice in the governments asset allocations.
Sky Business Channel – “Switzer” show – Expert Panelist
Sky Business Channel – “Your Money Your Call” show – Expert Panelist
Sky Business Channel – “Market Moves” show – Stock Market Expert
Sky Business Channel – “Lunch Money” show – Stock Market Expert
Media Contact
Company Name: KOSEC
Contact Person: Quynh O’Gorman
Email: q.ogorman@kosec.com.au
Phone: 02 9955 3151
City: Sydney
State: NSW
Country: Australia
Website: http://www.kosec.com.au/