Abettercandidate.org is a recently launched campaign with an aim to create a public structure for finding a better candidate for the upcoming presidential elections in America. The organization has launched a fundraising campaign with a goal of $32,500 to create awareness about the elections so that people can make an informed decision.
This Indiegogo campaign is the first step in reaching its symbolic fundraising stretch goal of one penny for every person in the US: about $32.5 million and counting.
The 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election on November 08, 2016 will result in the election of a president with widespread disapproval ratings at a time when the office is more powerful and independent from the system of checks and balances than ever. The goal of the project is to build a new system and a structure for finding “the next Great US President.”
The organization aims to develop this structure independently yet adjacent to the current party system and establish a transparent mechanism which is for the people, by the people and from the people. This independent framework for publicly finding and selecting candidates would allow parties to draw from pre-vetted and publicly accepted people in an effort to clean up and improve upon the current system.
This project will help voters get involved earlier in the selection process and empower them through more information. This will make it easier for voters to cast more informed votes based on the necessary research and information. Voters will be able to make better choices earlier and influence the individual issues that mean the most to them instead of being obligated to lump their concerns together along party lines.
The team behind ABetterCandidate.org is critical of the political parties’ current systems for selecting and preparing presidential hopefuls for this great responsibility and believes they are not happening practically or efficiently. This is one reason that a majority of American citizens are unhappy with the choice of candidates they’re presented with.
Donald Trump is making headlines for all the wrong reasons and, according to polls, most Hillary supporters believe she is not trustworthy. This is why the campaign #abettercandidate was founded: to tap into the strengths of this country’s people and companies which can contribute in finding better candidates for the Republicans, Democrats and the independent parties for the year 2020. More information about the campaign is available at Indiegogo.com.
Contact Details
Company: A Better Candidate
Name: Scott Meier
Phone: 313-312-5550
Email: AbetterCandidate@gmail.com
Website: www.AbetterCandidate.org
Country: USA
Note: This news is published by G Media Solutions.
Media Contact
Company Name: G Media Inc
Contact Person: Grace Williams
Email: gracewilliamss91@gmail.com
Country: United States
Website: www.facebook.com/gmediasolutions