Today we are interviewing our honored guest, the founder of Immortality Foundation – Filip Poutintsev.
Immortality Foundation is a non-profit educational organization with the goal of educating people about aging and longevity, bringing awareness to life extension research and debunking myths about it immortality.
How did it all start?
Well, it started actually a long time ago, then I was 3. I was playing with my grand father and suddenly asked him: ”why are you so old?” his reply was very straight forward: ”we all get old”. After hearing that I started crying hysterically, as at that point I realized for the first time that I too will get old.
When I was a child didn’t think much about the subject thought it never left my mind. But at age of 12 something interesting happened. The teacher at school told us about cryonics. For me that was like a light at the and of the tunnel, there was finally hope that I may not have to die.
At an older age, I read a lot about cryonics and decided for myself that I want to be frozen after death.
For me dying has always been the biggest problem of mankind.
What made you start this project?
The lack of research on the topic. There are some universities that study immortality and there are few private organizations that focus on it. But that’s it. The amount of funds spent on this matter is horribly small. We spend on other industries a million time more money, while they are not as important for our life as this.
I remember reading a few years ago an article about immortality that stated that if we spent as much money on life extension research as we spend on whitening our teeth we would already be immortal. This was kind of a wake-up call for me. I realized deep inside that if I do nothing and just wait I might not make it to the time biological immortality is possible. I knew I would have to take actions to secure my future.
It makes me so sad whenever I hear that influential businessmen like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates who could fund the whole research with their own money focus on something else non-significant. Sadly I don’t have as much money as these billionaires do, therefore I cannot fund this on my own, I need the help of other people, with who we will build this organization.
My primary idea is to educate people that aging is a disease as any other and that it can be cured. We can be immortal and we will be. It’s just a matter of time, the sooner we start the sooner we finish. After the public accepts that, more funds will be invested into this type of research. Even if they will not invest in us, they will invest in someone else. It doesn’t matter who will discover immortality, it only matters that it will be discovered. If we happen to discover it first we will share it with the world and hope others will do the same.
What’s your background?
My background is in business management and online advertising. I was doing well for 10 years until I realized that I’m not doing what I really want nor what is truly important. I was working for money only, which is of course very important in our life, but something else is more important – the life itself.
I was searching what to do for several months until I remembered my lifelong dream and thought: I’m not getting any young, if I don’t do this now, it maybe later too late. And I started working on this project.
What is the biggest obstacle on the way to immortality?
Sadly it’s people’s attitude towards immortality, this is the main reason immortality study is not funded enough. A lot of people claim that they don’t want to be immortal. That’s is just absurd! I think those people are on an emotional level so far away from dying that they don’t even realize what it means in reality. There is nothing beyond it, your brain shuts off forever. All memories, all feeling, everything gone like it never existed. That is the worst thing that can happen to a human being. Saying that you accept it is just nonsense. You may think you accept it now, but when the moment comes, you will beg like a baby. Nothing can be worse than dying.
I have read a lot of articles about immortality and they all do 2 mistakes.
1. Confusing immortality with indestructibility, which basically means that whoever wrote the article lacks even basic knowledge of physics. Indestructibility is not possible, everything (all matter and all living organisms) can be destroyed, if not by normal means, then by a nuclear explosion.
2. Creating false arguments, like that immortal life would be boring, time speeding up or that it would create some kind of new problems. This basically sounds like cavemen claiming that our current life is terrible, just because they don’t understand all that technology can do. I guess for some immortality is just beyond their understanding.
There are a lot of medical and scientific research done to keep us healthier, what do they do wrong?
The biggest mistake is that they do not treat aging as a disease. Even some physician and scientists think it’s a natural process that cannot be stopped, which is false. We already know how aging works and how it can be slowed down and stopped.
The other mistakes are that all age-related diseases such as cancer, Parkinson disease and Alzheimer are treated as separate deceases, when they have one common nominator – aging. Treating these diseases separately will not work, and we have seen this already. But if we would treat aging instead we could cure all those thousands of age-related diseases at once.
What is the goal for the Immortality Foundation?
Well our short-term goal is to educate people and raise funding for immortality research. And long-term goal is to research life extension and anti-aging possibilities until we reach biological immortality.
What is your vision of the future?
In future when people will become immortal, they will look on us, and not understand how could we accept that we will die. They will not understand why we were so suicidal.
The goal is that people who are alive today will have a chance to be immortal. First we need to work on extending our life for as long as possible. That will give us time to research the real immortality.
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