War For Humanity Demands that the upcoming 71st United Nation general assembly meeting must adopt new security measures to stop the ongoing global conflicts, especially the ongoing US-lead war in Libya, Yemen and Syria, that costs over a half million innocent life and displaced over ten million people.
As a result of the military intervention by United States and its Western allies, the world is experiencing the worst humanitarian crises since WWII. The global conflicts the world is facing today is well planned and exist for the purposes of promoting the global arms trade and global domination which leaves no country safe or secure. However, the current ceasefire is temporary and it’s created by US and Russia, to prevent the general assembly from taking an action that will end the conflicts.
This is why War For Humanity is demanding that the upcoming general assembly should put the following measures in place to immediately stop and prevent any further military intervention. These measures entails drawing a new international law that includes: the withdrawing of all foreign troops from foreign soil, banning all nuclear weapons by any nation and the immediate banning of the Veto power at the UN security council, which is a license to promote crime against humanity by the five world power, especially by the US and its allies in the ongoing wars in the Middle East.
In addition to the above suggested measures, to prevent poverty, War For Humanity also demand that all Member nations sign to protect and provide the following basic life necessities: Food, Security, Housing, Universal Health Care and Free Education. These basic life necessities are the birth rights of all mankind.
Achieving the above goals lies on everybody’s collective efforts as individuals and concerned citizens, therefore participation is paramount. War For Humanity implore immediate participation in this course in order to convince World Leaders to adopt this measure to save humanity. Together in one voice, a great change can be brought to the world at large—lasting PEACE.
About War for Humanity
War For Humanity is an American-based non-profit platform dedicated to bringing lasting peace to the world. Its membership is comprised of like-minded American citizens who stand for the truth and speak in one voice. War For Humanity has now grown into a Nation-wide movement. For more information please visit www.warforhumanity.com
Media Contact
Company Name: War for Humanity
Contact Person: Mussa M. Lema
Email: lemamussa@msn.com
Phone: (415) 440-1747
Address:P.O.Box 15894
City: San Francisco
State: CA
Country: United States
Website: www.warforhumanity.com