Placing an order on the internet can turn out to be a lengthy process as all the form fields have to be filled in and this can be time consuming. Time is money and everybody is in a hurry. Clients want to receive quick answers and not wait for hours for a reply because that is what is happening with emails these days.
Universal Translation Services is using Emobme. Send us your translation order or your translation questions using your mobile phone. Simple, fast and efficient.
How does it work?
Send a text message to the following number 786-460-4846 and attach the file for translation or your translation questions. You will instantly get a reply on your mobile phone as a quote for your translation project or as a text message. Simple, right? If you are seeking a translation quote, you will also receive the link for payment along with the quote. After ordering a translation, you will receive a text message, from the translator or the second translator who is checking the file, if they have questions about the translation. You can directly communicate with the translator, the proofreader and the project manager handling your translation project.
Universal Translation Services is the first US based agency that offers this service to their clients. If you have translation questions or need a translation quote, send a message to the Emobme number 786-460-4846 They are open 24/7 so you can emob them anytime.
Video Link:
About Universal Translation Services:
Universal Translation Services is an international translation company that offers translations in more than 550 language combinations. They are located in both the US and Europe to guarantee quality for their European language translations. They are a fast growing translation agency developing customized systems for their clients when it comes to translation or telephone interpreting. One of the latest systems they have developed is Live Document Translation, where a language interpreter simultaneously translates your document on the phone, reducing your translation costs by up to 70%.
Emobme: the easiest way to ask questions about translation services or to order a translation.
Contact Universal Translation Services now by sending a message to their Emobme number 786-460-4846 or contact them via email or website
Media Contact
Company Name: Universal Translation Services
Contact Person: Anita Huisman
Phone: (844) 938-7267
Address:20801 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 403
City: Aventura
State: FL
Country: United States