TV Partition Backlight Standards Are Released, And The Picture Quality Selection Will Be Based On Evidence

Recently, the “TV Partition Backlight Standard” was officially released, which divides the number of different TV backlight partitions on the market at present, so that the TV backlight partition has a unified standard, providing consumers with a more direct picture quality reference standard when purchasing TVs, and avoiding the wrong product selection due to standard errors.

Regarding the definition of backlight partitioning, there has long been a standard in the industry, that is, the backplane LED light (including Mini LED) of the TV is divided into multiple areas, and each area can control the light independently. If there is no backlight partition, the light of the backlight in the TV can only be turned on or turned off, which will lead to whitening when presenting a black picture, which directly affects the TV imaging effect.

In order to avoid this disadvantage, TV backlight partitioning technology came into being, so that each area of the backlight panel can be independently switched or adjusted brightly, and the brightness of the backlight area can be controlled more finely, so that the picture is more distinct in light and dark, and the visual experience is better.

The emergence of backlight partitioning has made great progress in TV picture quality, but there has been no clear definition of partition level and measurement standards, whether to pursue the ultimate backlight partition is also a major brand must face the subject, after all, only by abiding by the standards can we achieve real meaning of picture quality improvement and avoid unnecessary word games.

After years of exploration and research by enterprises in the industry, after accumulating a large amount of experimental data, the answer was finally given: taking the 75-inch TV products sold in the current TV market as an example, the number of TV backlight partitions is divided into a number of different levels, which will have different effects on picture quality. The following is explained from the range of tens to 2,000 levels of partitions:

Dozens of levels of partitioning

Taking the thirty-level partition as an example, the single zone size is 20.7X23.4cm, which is close to the A4 paper size, the backlight contrast ratio is less than 2.5X, which is almost negligible, and the comprehensive picture quality improvement of the TV is almost zero. In other words, dozens of levels of partitioning are irrelevant for TV quality.

Hundreds of level partitions

Under the 100-level partition, the size of the single zone has reached 11.1X15 .6cm, which is about half the size of a handkerchief, and the picture contrast ratio is close to 5X. In addition, because the liquid crystal molecules in the liquid crystal panel can control the passage of light, the backlight partition area is reduced, which greatly reduces the generation of halo, so the hundred-level partition has greatly enhanced the light control compared with dozens of partitions, so that the comprehensive picture quality of the TV has also been significantly improved.

Three hundred level partitions

Three hundred level partition level, single zone size of 6.9X6.2 cm, partition area further smaller, so that the picture can distinguish light and dark more finely, in the same peak brightness to achieve higher contrast, at this time the backlight contrast has exceeded 10X, compared with the hundred level partition has nearly twice the improvement, the comprehensive picture quality of the TV has also been improved by leaps and bounds, has been equivalent to OLED display level.

Two thousand level partitions

When the number of partitions comes to two thousand, the MiniLED chip in a single zone reaches a hundred micron pixel-level light control, and the backlight contrast is close to 12.5X, although precision instruments can still see the nuances, but with the ultimate dark (close to OLED) and high brightness (brightness beyond OLED), it has been possible to achieve the effect of surpassing OLED display.

However, with the continuous improvement of backlight partitioning, its improvement in image quality begins to show a marginal effect. With the remaining parameters unchanged, continuously increasing the number of backlight partitions will gradually reduce the image quality improvement. From the experimental data, it can be seen that after the number of partitions exceeds 300 levels, the improvement rate of contrast begins to slow down significantly, and at this time, it grows to 5 or 600 level partitions, which is almost no difference in picture quality compared to 300 level partitions, and only when it is increased to 2,000 levels can the quality leap be achieved. If you want to take the picture quality to another level, you need to increase the number of partitions to 5,000 levels. The increase in the number of partitions after level 5,000 no longer has much impact on the picture quality.

As far as the current technology is concerned, the more partitions are, which means that the number of LED chips and IC chips used in the production process is more, the design and process are more difficult, and the cost will increase accordingly, and it is difficult for TV manufacturers to achieve high partitioning while ensuring low costs, which can both control the cost and meet the consumer experience. How to find the most suitable “golden number of partitions” between image quality and cost control is very important. When the perceived feature improvement meets the strong perceived price fluctuation, it is obvious what choice the user will make.

From the initial tube to the latest Mini LED, how to improve the TV display effect has always been the core of the development of the TV industry. But looking at the development of television, it is not difficult to find that a series of new technologies and concepts will be derived at every stage. The birth of new technologies and concepts has largely promoted the technological development of the entire TV industry, making Chinese TV brands from the former wind chasers to wind makers, and in some fields to become industry standard makers.

The release of the TV zone backlight standard makes the TV industry more standardized in terms of technology and concept, and consumers’ cognition of TV more transparent, which can also promote the all-round development of the entire TV industry, bring Chinese consumers a better technology experience, and allow Chinese TV brands to maintain sufficient leadership in the global field.

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