Tires Market & Mechanical Parts Industry in Europe – 2020 Analysis & Forecast Research Report

“Market Research Reports and Industry Analysis” has published “The European Tires Market, 2012-2020; Market size, market forecast and recommendations” and “The European Mechanical Parts Market, 2012-2020; Market size, market forecast and recommendations” market report to its research database. The European Tires market value is forecast to grow by 11.2% by 2020 to reach €195,262,174,317

The European Tyres Market 2012-2020”, a Trend Report by GlobalData, provides an executive-level overview of the European tires market today, with forecasts of values and volumes up to 2020. It delivers deep quantitative and qualitative insight into the European tires market, analyzing key trends in the market based on proprietary data from GlobalData’s aftermarket databases.

Market volumes generally grew between 2012 and 2016 with relatively few markets stagnating and even fewer declining. Volumes have largely been dictated by relatively steady three-year replacement cycles, although with many motorists deferring tire replacement, particularly in the earlier years of the decade, growth was initially restricted.

This position has now changed, and all markets except Greece and Slovenia recorded growth over the five year period. Over the next four years, many of Europe’s major tire markets are expected to show small increases in value, as markets continue to recover, sales of new vehicles continue to rise and the parc simultaneously grows and ages.

Key Findings From Tyres Market Industry in Europe:
– The volume of tires sold in Europe rose 1.7% between 2015 and 2016.
– Over 22.6 million new tires will be added to the market by 2020, taking the total market volume to 318,284,962.
– The value of tires sold in Europe grew by 4.1% between 2015 and 2016.
– The market value is forecast to grow by 11.2% by 2020 to reach €195,262,174,317.
– Market growth is being driven by manufacturers continuing to chase fuel efficiency gains through the use of different compounds and lightweight construction methods, consumer demand for premium tires over mid-range or budget tires and the continuing trend for vehicles to roll on super-sized rims.
– Tire specialists continue to lead the market in terms of value and volume shares, but increasingly VMNs and the online channel are taking a growing share. The online channel – often supplemented by mobile fitment options – are becoming increasingly popular.

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“The European Mechanical Parts Market 2012-2020”, a Trend Report by GlobalData, provides an executive-level overview of the European vehicle mechanical parts market today, with forecasts of values and volumes up to 2020. It delivers deep quantitative and qualitative insight into the European mechanical parts market, analyzing key trends in the market based on proprietary data from GlobalData’s aftermarket databases.

Key Findings
– Starter motors and alternators Starter motor and alternator technologies are driving value growth, reflecting the growing prevalence of complex start-stop technologies in the vehicle parc. In addition, certain manufacturers offer integrated starter-alternator generators, which command a higher price. As a result, the volumes and values of starter motors are forecast to increase by 5.0% and 9.7% by 2020, whilst the volumes and values of alternators are forecast to increase by 4.8% and 21.4%
– Radiator market volumes and values are both forecast to grow by 2020 The radiator market in Europe experienced solid growth in the years following the financial crisis, and has shown strong growth in recent years – growing 8.6% between 2012 and 2016. The strong growth in volumes is set to continue, albeit at a slightly lower rate, with growth of 5.0% overall being forecast between 2017 and 2020. The European radiator market saw overall values grow by 14.3% between 2012 and 2016, and is expected to grow further, increasing by 9.7% by 2020.

– The European clutch market values and volumes are both set to grow by 2020 The European clutch market is evolving; major players have left the market, whilst there has been a small increase in the number of Chinese brands entering the market, although until now, they have not made much of an indent in the market. Overall clutch volumes are forecast to increase by 4.3% by 2020, yet values are predicted to grow by 9.5% over the same period. At the channel level, the market remains wedded to the manufacturer network, with some independents choosing not to fit clutches because of the time and effort required to replace a modern dual mass clutch. This means that specialist clutch centers have the opportunity to gain a larger share of the UK market.

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