For more information visit www.barronprize.org
Established in 2001 by author T. A. Barron, the Barron Prize annually honors 25 outstanding young leaders ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and the environment. Fifteen top winners each receive $10,000 to support their service work or higher education. Applications are due by April 15th and the winners will be announced in September.
Barron Prize young heroes are as diverse as their service projects. They are female and male, urban and rural, and from a wide variety of backgrounds. Examples of young people honored over the past two decades include Jaclyn, who triumphed over brain cancer and then worked to help other critically ill children; Ryan, who helped provide clean drinking water to more than 70 African villages; Michaella, who organized a rodeo for kids with disabilities; Joying, who cleaned up South Carolina’s beaches; Shawn, who organized his neighborhood to build a community garden; and Barbara, who created a successful motor oil recycling project in rural Texas.
Since its inception, the Barron Prize has awarded more than half a million dollars to hundreds of young leaders and has won the support of Girl Scouts of the USA, Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots, and Youth Service America, among other organizations.
As part of the 20th anniversary celebration, the Barron Prize will present the Young Heroes Summit in October, bringing together past winners to share their experiences and inspire today’s youth. Honoring the spirit of the Barron Prize, the Young Heroes Summit will commemorate the great work of young people by offering a free public event and series of panel discussions focused on humanitarian work, environmental change and STEM projects. The two-day summit will take place in Boulder, CO from October 1-2 and will be accessible to schools across the country via Livestream.
Prize founder T. A. Barron explains, “The purpose of the Barron Prize is to showcase young heroes of all descriptions, inspiring other young people to take action. We are so proud of these young heroes who have made such a positive difference over the last 20 years and look forward to many more in the future.”
To learn more about the Barron Prize and apply online, visit www.barronprize.org.
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