Mike Anthony is an American artist and a Broadway bartender, who believes in science and the scientific method. However, followed by his father’s unexpected death, the apparent evidence of his father’s continuous presence sent Mike on an all-new journey that has brought him at the point of making a new documentary. This investigative documentary is titled The End and it is all about life after death with convincing evidence.
In addition, the documentary is currently being crowdfunded on Kickstarter with a goal to raise a sum of $50,000 in a recently launched crowdfunding campaign. Moreover, the documentary will also investigate evidences on the communication with out-of-body spirits and much more.
“We are not only investigating the existing evidence suggesting that consciousness may exist separate from the human body, but we are gathering new evidence,” said Mike Anthony, while introducing the documentary project to the Kickstarter community. Mike is now welcoming everyone for generous support and he is also offering several great rewards for the backers.
The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at:
www.kickstarter.com/projects/697018344/the-end-8 and supporters from around the world can back this project to make generous pledges and donations. The investigative documentary is already getting a phenomenal response and more details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.
About This Project
The End is an investigative documentary by a Broadway artist Mike Anthony, who is on a quest to find answers about life after death and communication with the deceased individuals. He is using evidences and proofs to understand this issue and he wants to share these secrets with the world. Moreover, Mike is raising funds for this project on Kickstarter and he is offering many rewards for the backers, including the DVD of this documentary with worldwide shipping.
Media Contact
Company Name: Undiscovered Country, LLC
Contact Person: Michel Anthony
Email: Send Email
Phone: 6463197114
City: Milford
State: Connecticut
Country: United States
Website: www.kickstarter.com/projects/697018344/the-end-8