Storytelling and Leadership – A DeltecBank, Bahamas Perspective

Storytelling and Leadership - A DeltecBank, Bahamas Perspective

Jean Chalopin

Stories are an important, effective and engaging way of creating more robust connections with our present and any potential customer base. Storytelling has become a modern buzzword recently so how can we use this effective way of communicating to build our customer base and bring in new clients? So, let’s take a look in this post how we can use the art of storytelling to nurture our present customers and grow our customer base.

Let us take a look below at three crucial topics when introducing the concept of storytelling to allow us to build better connections with our customers.

How Does Storytelling Differ from Other Communication Methods? 

Jean Chalopin, an entrepreneur said, “Harnessing the power of stories to make connections is the most inspiring way to reach out to your clients old and new.”

This special and engaging method of communication creates a lasting impact amongst communities and anyone who is looking to connect with you.

Storytelling can be found in visual copywriting, video, and within various other media and types of formats.

 The two main points which define a story is:

  • Character
  • Plot

A character is simply someone who interacts within a plot. The plot put the simplest, in a list of things that happen.

Now that we have looked at what a story contains, let us look at how it can bring success to your business.

A great story needs to have 4 main focuses which can make the difference between a good story and a great story. These 4 main ingredients below are paramount to a great story.

What Are the Four Ingredients of a Great Story?

  • Places – the location where the story happens is important and the more unexpected or unusual, the greater engagement with your audience. This increases the sense of intrigue and draws in your readers
  • People – there always needs to be characters that audiences can care about and ultimate connect with
  • Plot – This is one of the most important elements of any great story, as it is the plot which connects and structures the other 3 pillars. A great plot makes sure your readers are on the edge of their seat all the way through your story!
  • Purpose – The purpose relates to the message behind the story and is essentially the reason the story is being told

Now we have seen how to structure a great story using 4 essential ingredients, let’s take a look at circumstances where storytelling may not be appropriate.

Although stories are an extraordinarily powerful way of connecting within the business and with your clients, it is not always the most appropriate method.

Make sure you always answer a very simple and direct question with a simple and direct answer! A client or customer with a simple requirement does not need to have a complicated storyboard response.

For example, if your customers are simply enquiring about a feature of a product, taking a leap into your branding story, will likely cause them some frustration.

However, if you answer their response and they still seem uncertain or remain unsure, this can be the best time to use the art of storytelling to help bring that feature to life.

Let us take a brief look at a question you may have concerning the use of visuals versus storytelling.

Is Storytelling More Effective Than Video?

Regardless of the method by which you tell the story, be it using words or imagery, it is still assisting your clients and audience to fully experience your story.

But video is an incredible sensory stimulating way of connecting and storytelling. Any written story will be ultimately enhanced with the use of visuals, such as images and video. Maybe, for example, a blog post. Creating your story either with words or images, or a combination of both is a perfect way to allow your audience to buy into your offering.

The End of the Story

We hope this post has helped you understand a few of the fundamentals of how to use effective storytelling to build client and customer awareness.

Disclaimer: The author of this text, Robin Trehan, has an Undergraduate degree in economics, Masters in international business and finance and MBA in electronic business. Trehan is Senior VP at Deltec International The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this text are solely the views of the author, and not necessarily reflecting the views of Deltec International Group, its subsidiaries and/or employees.

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