It might be that you’re used to having seasonal heartburn episodes, and each time this happens all you have to do is pop an antacid. When you’ve put on more weight, your heartburn episodes become more frequent. And if this happens the symptoms become more unbearable too.
Burning sensation in the chest is only one symptom of heartburn. The patient may also suffer a sharp pain on the chest, having bitter or sour taste in the mouth, having a hard time swallowing, wheezing, coughing, belching, and even having difficulty in sleeping for a few days within a week. If you have gained weight, the pounds will certainly serve as the main cause of severe heartburn.
There are other causes of the condition such as engaging in some guilty pleasures like having too much to drink, dining in an all you can eat, and sleeping right after a heavy meal. Smoking and living a stressful lifestyle are also causes of severe heartburn.
You have to be aware that heartburn is brought about by acid reflux. If in case the stomach valve opens it can cause gastric acids to go up into the esophagus area. Acid reflux may include hydrochloric acid, even bile, and also some pepsin. Pepsin and bile may only cause minor damage to the esophagus but it’s the acid that causes the most pain. This is particularly true when the acid reaches the throat area. This may wreak havoc on the larynx and the teeth.
Severe heartburn should never be taken for granted. Heartburn that happens more than twice in a week is something that should alarm you. This may be a symptom of other disorders such as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Now that you have a clearer idea of what heartburn is and its symptoms, it’s time to check on the available treatments for it. Heartburn sufferers have a lot of heartburn remedies to choose from. There are natural remedies that can be done at home and there are those that are more unique and less popular.
The first thing you have to correct is diet. This is so since heartburn is primarily caused by digestion. Hence in this condition the importance of the food consumed and the individual’s eating habits is greatly stressed. It’s necessary to keep away from food that can trigger heartburn.
Another major cause of heartburn is stress and a hectic lifestyle. It means that you have to avoid situations and activities that might give you stress.
A quarter cup of Aloe Vera juice is another natural heartburn remedy that can soothe the irritation in the esophagus which leads to heartburn. The juice should not be taken directly from the plant itself. You can look for a gel that can be consumed readily. This can be sold in drug stores and also from your trusted nutritionists.
It is also a must to stop smoking to get rid of heartburn totally.
Aside from the natural remedies, there are also some strange remedies available such as chewing gum, apple cider vinegar, celery, mustard, probiotics, and others. You have to be cautious with these heartburn remedies since they may have side effects. It’s always wise to ask for physician’s advice too.
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