Mr Downham joined the company in July 2018.
On December 21 last year it was announced that the company was looking for a finance director to assist in taking the company forward onto bigger and better opportunities.
Sergo Solutions LTD the parent company are looking to expand their reach into Europe targeting Spain, Italy and France.
As part of his role Mr Downham will assist Mr Stewart in expanding the companies profile and ensuring they meet requirements within the European realm.
Mr Downham said about his appointment: “I am very happy to be taking on this challenge. Sergo Capital represent everything that I stand for. This opportunity will give me the chance to explore new areas within my working capacity. I am very excited indeed”.
He was previously an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
Sergo Capital Mr Stewart said: “We are very pleased to welcome James to the company as finance director. I look forward to working closely with him”
“He has a great deal of experience in businesses and sectors which are extremely relevant to Sergo Capital”.
Sergo Capital is a leading investment services firm managing assets on behalf of institutional investors, private families and individual investors across Global & European strategies.
The firm was established with the focus on active fund management with an equal emphasis on preserving capital and generating superior returns.
We have worked hard to build a team and a client base committed to these principles and today we continue to focus on performance and not just simply asset gathering. More than half of our team are investment professionals and our senior staff are amongst the largest investors in the strategies we consider.
To find out more about Sergo Capital contact them at
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Company Name: Sergo Capital
Contact Person: Eddy Lang
Email: Send Email
Phone: 02039506473
Address:63 – 66 Hatton Garden
City: London, EC1N 8LE
Country: United Kingdom