It has been reported that there is a huge need for pest control services to get rid of Rat Infestations in Seattle restaurants. Sadly, Rats and mice are invading not only restaurants, but homes and buildings in search of shelter, water and mostly for food. The filthy lifestyle of the rodents leave behind nasty messes of urine, feces, and afterbirth that are around the nesting sites. Rodents love to hunker down in the insulation material that are found in attics and crawlspaces. Rodents do serious damage by chewing and gnawing on electrical wiring, weather strips and doors. Most home and business fires are caused by electrical problems that rodents like to gnaw on. Rats represent a high risk to not only the restaurant but more importantly to the customers. The rat urine and feces carry viruses as well as other toxins, bacteria even allergens.
First step is to identify where the rodent infestation has begun:
Getting a professional Inspection is the first step to get an idea of where the pests have taken up residence in the restaurant. It’s also very important to find out exactly where and why the rats are accessing the food supply. This investigation would include locating possible hiding spots for live pests, urine, feces, cast skins and egg cases. Every rodent will usually leave behind some type of evidence that is attributing to the rodent infestation.
Because of the physical makeup of a rat it can gain access to the restaurant through open points the size of a quarter. But field mice only need an opening the size of a quarter. It’s imperative that the professional exterminator do a perimeter check of the premises. Sealing all cracks, holes and crevices around the structure of a building to safeguard access into the restaurant. It’s very important to remember that even if only one rat is spotted, chances are there are more enjoying life on the premise and enjoying it’s new home. Where the rats can be found by pest control services
The Pest Control expert will search to find anything that will provide shelter to the nasty pests. Some of the areas to investigate would be any of the following. Such as floor drains to make sure the kids are intact, trash cans to see if lids are secure and closed. Kitchen equipment must be cleaned daily and do not leave unwashed items in the sink. It’s an open invitation to the rats to dine. Sinks are looked at to see if leftover food is left and accessible, holes in walls, electrical outlets and boxes, cracks and any nook or cranny where a rodent may be living.
Proper sanitation is crucial and imperative for the restaurant owner in order to keep the business open and thriving. Again the pest control specialist will stress the importance of being on the lookout for any signs of the pests. As stated before it’s crucial to check garbage cans and trash cans that are kept on the floor unopened. There may be live or dead rats due to poor sanitation practices. Not only inspect all kitchen equipment but all should be cleaned and sanitized every day. All of this workflow should be done before closing the restaurant each and every day. If proper sanitation measures are taken than rodent control services would not be needed. Checking the perimeter if the building is priority to prevent easy access to the establishment. For a restaurant a rat infestation can welcome some other pesky pests such as cockroaches to join the party. Keeping the kitchen clean at all times is a must. Do NOT leave leftover food on stoves and counters. Wipe down all surface areas, don’t leave back doors open or ajar. Restaurant owners can stay open by following these steps and not lose income due to a rat infestation. It only takes one customer to see the nasty critters and a call gets made to the Health Department. Or that customer may start screaming rats and there is a mad dash for the front door.
Seattle Restaurant rat infestation is on the rise and a Seattle restaurant owner needs AMPM Exterminators to take care of the huge problem. Now everything was done that could be done by the restaurant owner. The self-help methods did not work. A few rats were caught in traps but only very few. Nobody wanted to get rid of the dead rodents. Which meant to carcasses were sitting around causing foul odor and opportunity for airborne bacteria was high. Nerves were shot, employees stressed out. The decision was finally made to call AMPM Exterminators for the professional expertise needed to exterminate the restaurant rat infestation. This pest control company is more than qualified to take care of the problem.
Media Contact
Company Name: Commercial pest control services
Contact Person: Shawn Price
Email: info@ampmexterminators.com
Phone: 206 571 7580
Address:2688 136th Ave. SE Suite # 2
City: Bellevue
State: WA
Country: United States
Website: http://ampmexterminators.com/