Disciplinary Piles by Nancy M. Borski is a 180-page book intended for young adults. The book centers on young Kelvin and his time at Camp W in New Hampshire. Coming to a new world, young Kelvin realizes that the wilderness really holds many more lessons than the inner city could have ever taught him. Camp W provides the prime location for learning new things, even things that cannot be taught in a classroom. From building rafts, to scaling mountains, Kelvin’s wilderness skills grow and enable him to become a more rounded individual. But young love and true friendship send Kelvin to a whole new world and provide him with the life lessons we all must face.
Through trials and tribulations, Kelvin overcomes many hurdles and learns life lessons some can only dream to learn. Though at the time, these adventures seemed more dangerous than educational, Kelvin learned more during that first summer than he ever would again throughout his life and truly became a man during the summer of 1940…
“Disciplinary Piles is a beautifully written book that captures camp life and young love and friendship perfectly,” said bestselling author J.J. Hebert. “The book is incredibly lifelike.”
And there is a primary reason the book seems so real: Nancy found inspiration for Disciplinary Piles from her own backyard. She said that she knew that there must be more history to the association she was now living in rather than just an old boy’s camp turned into residential living. After scavenging lost history through old camp dumping sites, incorporating her own daughters’ adventures and her experiences as a camp counselor, the camp was brought to life through Disciplinary Piles, which has a somewhat historical feel to it.
Disciplinary Piles is available at fine retailers worldwide, including Amazon.com. Wholesale orders can be placed through Ingram. Author Nancy M. Borski is available for interviews. Please call Rob Rop of Seacoast Press at 800-767-0531 to arrange an interview or send an email to info@seacoastpress.com.
About Nancy M. Borski:
When not writing, Nancy Borski is a woman of crafts and is constantly keeping her hands busy. She spends her summers in not only the same lake and area described in Disciplinary Piles, but also on her custom built Indian Motorcycle. Nancy’s sense of style, crafting enjoyment, and spunk can be seen throughout her book and will only leave readers smiling at her witty comments and applauding the end. Disciplinary Piles is her first novel.
About Seacoast Press:
Seacoast Press, a NH based book publisher, provides authors with traditional-quality book publishing services while allowing authors to retain publishing rights and 100% royalties. Seacoast Press’ wide variety of publishing services includes book design; editorial; printing; distribution; publicity; and marketing. Seacoast Press books are available through retailers and booksellers worldwide. All Seacoast Press books can be purchased wholesale through Ingram. To learn more about Seacoast Press, the premier book publisher in NH, visit http://www.seacoastpress.com/
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Company Name: SeacoastPress.com
Contact Person: Rob Rop
Email: info@seacoastpress.com
Phone: 603-546-2812
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City: Portsmouth
State: New Hampshire
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