July 24, 2018 – Created by outdoor enthusiasts for outdoor enthusiasts, ReelTrail.com is a fast-growing community and marketplace for outdoor enthusiasts looking to buy and/or sell outdoor gear. ReelTrail’s 7.5% fee compared to eBay’s 12% and Amazon’s 15% fee makes them the lowest around, and they go one step further by donating 1% of every sale to conservation.
ReelTrail started from a small storefront located in Charleston, South Carolina, where father-and-son, Kirk and Ryan Leaphart, sold outdoor gear through consignment. Faced with endless frustrations from dealing with eBay and Craigslist and the cycle of fees, ReelTrail was birthed as an online community created and operated by outdoor enthusiasts to help solve the dilemma of buying and selling outdoor gear seamlessly.
“Relationships are the gold standard for us. We want to help others create small and/or large businesses through our platform, and give back to our planet at the same time. We know how it is when the big companies are over-charging, adding in hidden fees, and taking advantage of their users,” says Ryan Leaphart.
“Our core principle is transparency, and we wanted to build a safe and simple marketplace for outdoor enthusiasts to buy sell or buy gear without all the nickel-and-diming. ReelTrail does not have hidden fees, and we allow our users to list as many items as they choose to, as long as they fall within our categories!”
Created with the goal to provide a tailored community for outdoor enthusiasts, ReelTrail is very easy to use. Interested users can download the free ReelTrail app in the App Store or Google Play Store, visit them online at www.reeltrail.com. Interested sellers can choose between PayPal, Venmo, or direct deposit to be paid when their gear sells, and have a piece of mind that each item they sell contributes to conservation.
ReelTrail’s mobile app is FREE to download in the App Store AND Google Play store, download now!
Media Contact
Company Name: Reel Trail
Contact Person: Ryan Leaphart
Email: Send Email
Address:150 Hungryneck Blvd, Suite C
City: Mount Pleasant
State: SC 29464
Country: United States
Website: www.reeltrail.com