Redress Laboratory: An Upcycled Fashion Brand launches Kickstarter Campaign

Now Seeking Community Support via Kickstarter, This Upcycled Fashion Brand & Revamping Service is based in London, United Kingdom!

Redress Laboratory is a London based upcycled fashion brand and revamping service and it is aiming to emerge as a zero-waste brand of the future. The UK based fashion brand is in line with the global climate change NetZero agenda, and it is founded by Auda Sakho, who believes in a simple and long-term philosophy of re-using and re-inventing clothes. To introduce this revolutionary new business model to the world, Auda has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, and she is welcoming generous community support and backing.

“Our process breathes new life and purpose into discarded materials by using at least 60% of post-consumer and post-industry textile waste.” Said Auda Sakho, the Founder of Redress Laboratory, while introducing this project to the Kickstarter community. “I have always upcycled clothes and old materials as a hobby and everything I create conveys a message.” She added. Auda is introducing true sustainability and minimalism into the fashion industry by formally integrating her revolutionary ideas into a fashion brand.

The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at: and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. Moreover, the goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to raise a sum of GBP 10,000 and the emerging brand is offering a wide range of rewards for the backers. Furthermore, more details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.

About This Project

Redress Laboratory is an emerging upcycled fashion brand and revamping service based out of London, and it is founded by Auda Sakho. The brand gives a whole new meaning to recycling, reusing, and redesigning clothing, and Auda has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds and seek support for the brand.

Media Contact
Company Name: Redress Laboratory
Contact Person: Auda Sakho
Email: Send Email
Phone: 00447415282148
City: London
Country: United Kingdom