Laser hair removal devices emit a gentle beam of light that goes through the skin to the hair follicle. The hair absorbs it, the energy of the laser is converted into heat and the hair follicle is deactivated. Before have, long lasting hair removal result read below to understand some facts.
How does laser hair removal behave with electrolysis?
Electrolysis can be a lengthy, painful process that destroys each hair follicle individually. This can sometimes require periodic treatment for years. Laser hair removal on the other hand can treat hundreds of hair follicles at the same time, making the process much faster.
Is laser hair removal for everyone?
CoolGlide technology
With CoolGlide’s unique design, there is now the flexibility to treat all skin types with laser hair removal. Before the CoolGlide, tanned patients and those with darker skin could not expect good laser hair removal results.
A CoolGlide device has a longer wavelength, which makes it possible to treat all skin tones. While light-skinned patients still respond best, medical studies have shown that patients with tanned or dark skin can now achieve hair reduction equivalent to that of fair-skinned patients without unwanted side effects.
Other laser hair removal devices
With some laser hair removal devices, one absolute requirement is that the hair must be darker than the surrounding skin.
White skin with dark hair reacts best. People with dark, coarse hair are the easiest to treat because dark hair contains melanin, a dark pigment that attracts the laser light and thus absorbs more laser energy. Fewer meetings are required.
Light colored hair is more difficult to treat and blond and red hair is very difficult to treat, which requires multiple laser hair removal sessions with different results.
Anyone who has a high beta-carotene diet needs to change their eating habits if they want to get the best results from laser hair removal. Beta-carotene, found in vitamin A, carrots, squash and other vegetables, produces a yellow or orange color in the skin that absorbs the laser energy and penetrates the hair follicle.
Since beta-carotene can remain in the body for months, adjusting the diet long before laser hair removal is necessary to achieve optimal results.
Light-skinned people are the easiest to treat, requiring less laser hair removal sessions because the results are faster. People with dark skin or tanned skin take longer to achieve results because melanin, the dark pigment in hair, is also present in the skin. Melanin absorbs some of the laser light.
There is a danger that dark skin will be burned in these cases, so that a laser beam with a lower energy level is used. For this reason, the laser hair removal clinic also requires a higher level of expertise.
Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?
Yes. The laser uses a wavelength of light that passes through the skin. Unlike X-rays, there is no residue left in the body.
The skin may appear pink or red after treatment. This disappears – in some cases after a few minutes, in other cases after a few hours or in other cases, a few days. The use of cold packs accelerates the recovery time. If you want safe process visit
Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?
This varies from person to person depending on their sensitivity. Some have described the feeling of laser hair removal to be a slight stitch on the skin. Others say that it feels like a pinch on the skin.
When can I expect to see results from laser hair removal?
After the first treatment, the hair gradually falls out over the next two months. Repeated laser hair removal treatments are necessary to catch all hair in their various stages of growth.
Media Contact
Company Name: Medilase Laser Hair Removal
Email: Send Email
Phone: 2789 6900
Address:L54, Office Tower, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok
City: Kowloon
Country: HongKong