WI-based company 5Kevents.org, LLC calls this “The Holiday Mile”. The event has become somewhat of a national phenomenon with teams and individuals participating from all over the country. Patrick Flynn, owner of 5Kevents.org says “those that participate and stay committed typically emerge from the holiday season unscathed, and maybe even fitter than they were before.”
Participants pledge to run, walk, bike or swim at least one consecutive mile every day, from Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22, 2018, through New Year’s Day, January 1, 2019. Participants find that once they get started, there will be days when they want to go farther—and then there will be days when one mile is enough (or more than enough). Either way, they get pulled in—they won’t want to break their pledge, even if that means getting up super-early before a long car ride to squeeze in your mile.
To keep participants motivated they provide each participant a finisher’s medal, race bib, t-shirt, and chance to win prizes! As long as participants check in online every day and acknowledge that they ran, walked, biked or swam at least one mile that day they are eligible for prizes. Participants may run or walk indoors on a treadmill or outdoors. The prizes include fitness gear, gift cards, tablets, tickets to an NFL Game and much more. They also encourage participants to stay in the spirit of the holiday season by participating in weekly events such as local food drives, clothing drives and performing random acts of kindness then posting it on the companies social media group page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/HolidayMile)
Those interested should register online before Nov. 22 — Visit www.holidaymile.com
For more information, visit www.holidaymile.com, call (877) 570.4434 or email HolidayMile@5Kevents.org
Media Contact
Company Name: 5Kevents.org, LLC
Contact Person: Patrick Flynn
Email: Send Email
Phone: 1.877.570.4434
Address:4124 Mona Park Road
City: Racine
State: WI 53405
Country: United States
Website: HolidayMile.com