DALLAS, TEXAS – September 22, 2016 – How does a person deal with fears of daily living? IRB: Transforming Fear into Love is a complete instruction manual on identifying who a person truly is in their deepest essence, in their quantum DNA wherein lies all the information of their TRUE, unique, irreplaceable self. In the pages of this book, people will find the key that opens the door to their consciousness. Experience what it means to live in Love and Unity, breaking free of old paradigms that have trapped everyone in a system of manipulation and illusion. People can now leave this prison of limiting beliefs, obsessions, blocks, buried fears and perceived shortcomings—all of them written into the script of the world as inherited.
Written in three sections, IRB: Transforming Fear into Love begins with a summary of important historical and contemporary research that points to this powerful life tool: IRB, or Indigo Ray Balancing. This scientifically valid spiritual technology helps people sustain their central purpose for existing, from a place of Loving and Awareness.
Through Indigo Ray Balancing, everyone can obtain what’s most important to them, though they may have deemed their dreams impossible. Read this revolutionary information, channeled by Ximena Duque Valencia, while listening to the music in the album Divine Activation – IRB. When used together, these two elements unblock conditioning, allowing evolutionary information to reach every cell, amplifying responsiveness. Each part of IRB has been designed to activate
quantum or
divine DNA that exists within each human being!
After having been a prestigious executive in multinational businesses and an expert in branding, marketing, publicity and architecture, Ximena Duque Valencia decided to work in what was her true passion: the human being. Because of her extensive knowledge in so many techniques and great masters, she channels information that claims to create a critical mass in transformation for our planet.
Ximena Duque Valencia and Roger Murillo are founders of Koradi, a personal transformation center in Bogota, Colombia. Their wish is to contribute to the existential leap that each person can experience if they open their hearts to this new information that leads to everyone being fully aware of being part of Divinity, liberating the dormant potential within them to become a complete part of the infinite universe that reveals unknown and surprising worlds.
Ximena is available for interviews.
IRB: Transforming Fear Into Love is available on Amazon.com
Book preview: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M0QJ4TZ
CONTACT: Pam Murphy
Expert Insights Publishing
PHONE: 214.336.7972
Email: editor@getexpertinsights.com
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Company Name: Expert Insights Publishing
Contact Person: Pam Murphy
Email: editor@getexpertinsights.com
Phone: 214.336.7972
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Country: United States
Website: www.amazon.com/dp/B01M0QJ4TZ