Pride, Crypto and charities combine for a rare concept.

Pride, Crypto and charities combine for a rare concept.
Certified Pride Token the innovative digital currency that has partnered with Glaad, HRC and JED

It’s pride month and the world is celebrating giving back this June. CEO said, “I think pride should be celebrated all year long.” Certified Pride Token has set up a new digital currency that will provide funds for LGBTQIA+ plus charities all year long and hopefully for a lifetime. This new cryptocurrency has partnered with GLADD, HRC, and the JED Foundation. Certified pride token has committed 5% of value in use to their partnered charities. With celebrities like  Whoopie Goldberg and Metaverse digital marketing genius Martin Heisboeck as the advisors, this cryptocurrency will be the first currency to have a real impact on not only the financial markets but the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole.

With charities like Glaad, HRC, and The Jed Foundation which was created to give support to our youth and the overwhelming suicide epidemic we are facing; “We feel both PROUD and excited to announce the presale of the certified Pride Token available for .0003”.

There is a limited supply that can be found at the website:  

Certified pride token was created by a single father. His 8-year-old son is a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. One day, he asked his father why people hated him because he is gay. It was at this moment, that founder Paul Dellangelo, realized that we have not progressed enough. “Children should not be walking around with the feeling they are hated for the way they were born.” Created almost two years ago, “We have faced adversity.” “People have tried to shut us down over and over,” says Paul. But in the words of my late Uncle (a gay man himself) “Never back down on something you believe in.” CEO has faced a lifetime of struggle being a  Cancer survivor. “I wanted to create something for not only my children to know I support their cause, but for the world to get on board with equality.” The definition of Pride is “A  feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s  one achievement, the achievements of those whom one is  closely associated with, or possessions that are widely admired. I ask you to join us in investing in something that you can have PRIDE in forever. 

Media Contact
Company Name: Digital Currency Reserve
Contact Person: Paul DellAngelo
Email: Send Email
Country: United States