Poverty, Puberty, & Patriotism: A Dayton Girl Grows Up During World War II by Ruth Kibler Peck – A Gripping Biography on Life as a Teen Girl during WW2

August 6, 2019 – A World War is the worst time to grow up.  Trauma accompanies it as in no other time — death and destruction, fear and scarcity — it affects a child’s life forever.  “Poverty, Puberty, & Patriotism: A Dayton Girl Grows Up During World War II,” written by Ruth Kibler Peck, is the true story of her life as a young girl growing up in the boom-town city of Dayton, Ohio, after the Great Depression tapers out and WW2 with all its horrors begins.

Having only her father’s insufficient office salary as family income, the Kiblers endured a stressful life in a primitive government trailer camp where fire and her mother’s near-death illness further challenged their daily life.  Resilience to adversity characterized this family who pulled through, participating in the war effort and even keeping tabs on erupting battles and the world locale of each.  Despite all this turmoil, Ruth Ann manages the typical activities of teens of that time, enjoying school activities, new friends, and music of the 1940’s.

“Poverty, Puberty, & Patriotism: A Dayton Girl Grows Up During World War II” is a biography with the target reader base being adults and young adults. One can correlate this to the Anne Frank story — teenage girls, innocent youngsters caught within the tumultuous years of world war.  The author wrote this compelling book about a difficult time when family circumstances were overcome simply by taking life in stride with faith and perseverance, never giving up on hope for the future.

Ruth Kibler Peck first published “Poverty, Puberty, & Patriotism” by Xlibris, and then Toplink selected it for republishing.  This book especially enchanted the folks in nursing homes — it was passed around so much it became dog-eared throughout. Dog-ears are personal acclaims for well written, fascinating books — and this book is certainly one of those.  The works of Laura Ingalls Wilder influenced Ruth Ann in writing this book.

For more information about this book, visit Amazon book link https://www.amazon.com/Poverty-Puberty-Patriotism-Dayton-During/dp/1950540006/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=9781950540006&qid=1553189720&s=gateway&sr=8-1

About the Author

Ruth Ann married her high school sweetheart, Walter Peck, and they have five children, eight grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.  After graduating with High Honors from Wright State University at age 40, Ruth Ann taught English for 23 years at Northmont Junior High in Englewood, Ohio. She served as president of the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, and in 1990 she was named one of Ohio’s Top Ten Teachers.  She has won dozens of national, state, and local prizes for her poetry and hosted her own TV show (“The Writers Nook”) from 2010-2015.  “Poverty, Puberty, & Patriotism” is her seventh book.

Website: http://ruthkiblerpeckbooks.com/

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