Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC), functions analogous to electronic ICs, utilizes photons instead of electrons to carry data. Photons, unit of light, travels comparably much faster than other data carriers, hence data transfer speed has increased dramatically. Global photonic ICs market is expected to rise at a remarkable rate as it offers substantial enhancements in system size, power intake, cost, and dependability. North America leads the global photonic IC market, trailed by Europe and Asia Pacific.
While North America is the chief photonic IC market, Asia Pacific is anticipated to witness strong growth, overtaking Europe and eventually North America. The development in Asia Pacific can be majorly credited to growing demand from optical communications and biophotonics applications. The worldwide photonic IC market is extremely disjointed and is branded by the presence of large number of players. Some of the top players in the marketplace comprise Alcatel-Lucent S.A., Infinera Corporation, JDS Uniphase Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Avago Technologies Ltd., Intel Corporation, Agilent Technologies, Ciena Corporation, Emcore Corporation and NeoPhotonics Corporation.
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On the basis of uses, the global photonic IC market is segmented into biophotonics, optical communication, sensors, optical signal processing and nanophotonics. The global photonic IC market is further segmented on the basis of integration methods deployed into monolithic integration, hybrid integration, and module integration. In addition, the global photonic IC market is segmented on the basis of components, namely: modulators, lasers, multiplexers/de–multiplexers, detectors, optical amplifiers and others (such as attenuators, wavelength converters, etc.). The market is segmented on the basis of materials, namely: lithium niobate (LiNbO3), indium phosphide (InP), silicon (Si), gallium arsenide (GaAs), and silica–on–silicon.
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Optical sensors application is an emerging application in this marketplace, which is utilized in fields like aerospace, defense, transportation, energy, and medicine. Quantum computing, a technology soon to be commercialized, is another segment that promises significant utilization of photonic ICs. Photonic ICs are similarly used in biomedical arena, wherein InP-established use of definite photonic ICs are being utilized for the diagnostic examination of opaque skin tissues. Optical communications is a leading application sector in the photonic IC market, whereas biophotonics and sensing are the other key application segments. Even though the present-day input from optical signal processing segment is the minimum, it is anticipated to witness strong progress post the commercialization of quantum computing.
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Key Points from Table of Contents:
8 Global Photonic ICs (PIC) Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2025 – Components
8.1 Overview
8.2 Modulators
8.3 Lasers
8.4 Multiplexers/De–Multiplexers
8.5 Detectors
8.6 Optical Amplifiers
8.7 Others (Attenuators, Wavelength Converters, etc.)
9 Global Photonic ICs (PIC) Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2025 – Applications
9.1 Overview
9.2 Biophotonics
9.3 Optical Communication
9.4 Sensors
9.5 Optical Signal Processing
9.6 Nanophotonics
10 Global Photonic ICs (PIC) Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2025 – Integration
10.1 Overview
10.2 Monolithic Integration
10.3 Hybrid Integration
10.4 Module Integration
11 Global Photonic ICs (PIC) Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2025 – Materials
11.1 Overview
11.2 Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3)
11.3 Indium Phosphide (InP)
11.4 Silicon (Si)
11.5 Gallium Arsenide (GaAs)
11.6 Silica–On–Silicon
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