Switzerland – October 27, 2016 – In recent times, parents having kids probably know the problem; The little ones are already playing the smartphone or tablet surprisingly cleverly – but not all apps and content are easy to read. And older children and young people who have already got their own equipment often use this very intensely and uncontrolled, which naturally leads to strife and anger with the parents. Switch-off is a child protection application designed to help parents monitor and control their children’s activities on mobile devices.
With the child protection-app “switch-off”, children control themselves and together with parents, they can determine together when and how long the Smartphone or Tablets may be used! “Switch-off” app allows users to select all apps that the child is allowed to access. With child protection app “Switch-off”, users can set access to days (Monday to Sunday) and the times (from-to) and to block all relevant functions.
The new Switch-off mobile app allows parents to set minimum usage time for each day of the week letting the mobile phone to automatically switch off when the allotted time is exhausted. SwitchOff serves as a comfortable child protection for Android devices and allows individual usage rules.
Parents can also set which app the kids can and cannot use. If a child downloads an app, it will have to be approved by the parent before they can use it.
“We understand many parents are concerned about the welfare of their children and the negative impact of mobile device usage abuse. Our app is developed to help them take control without necessarily putting a ban on the usage of mobile devices. The switch off app will not only curb the children’s excesses but also teach them how to use their time wisely,” said Premtim Sermaxhaj, a company representative.
Switch off is easy to set up and use. The home, menu, and back buttons are disabled, and users only have to set up parental control once. The app works for both smartphones and tablets with Android! “SwitchOff” has been developed over a year and has been perfected. The result is an efficient as well as revolutionary child protection app program.
“Thanks, this is an excellent app. Now I can adjust the device usage time of my children so that we can spend more time together. Thank you to the developers,” said Valmir Selimi, a user.
To get this app, please visit Google Playstore page @ http://bit.ly/1toiUmN
About Switch-off
The Switch-off app is a child protection app designed to help parents monitor and control how much time their children spend on mobile devices. The app is easy to set up and install.
For more information, please contact their Facebook Page, YouTube Video, PlayStore or visit their website at www.switch-off.ch
Media Contact
Company Name: Switch Off
Contact Person: Premtim Sermaxhaj
Email: ps@switch-off.ch
Address:Kirchgasse 2, 5742 Kölliken
Country: Switzerland
Website: http://switch-off.ch/