Minister Bandit One Glove Book ‘The Moon Brothers’ Now Available on Amazon

January 4, 2019 – Ordained Christian Minister Bandit One Glove and author of The Moon Brothers was resurrected from major heart surgery on June 25, 2013. He became the Bandit One Glove.

The Moon Brothers book reminds readers not to allow the waves of despair or disappointment to put their hopes at loose ends. There must always be a clear direction. “If your anchor is severed or pulled up, it is mandatory, and you can cast a new anchor down,” the author-minister explained. Everyone plays a vital role in his plan for humankind’s destiny.

The Moon Brothers also detailed how Minister Bandit One became the only living witness to the succession of events that led to his mission after 50 years. In figurative language, the brothers were compelled by God’s love “to forgive their untrustworthy exclusion from the violence which covered up the true crimes of teachers refusing their request for assistance.”

As described by Bandit One Glove in his book, the Moon Brothers faced imminent death. Fortunately, the all-merciful God saved their lives. The premature demise of the one who turned out an international icon implies he atoned for his misdeeds before ending the official tour of duty.

The Moon Brothers were forced into working as lifelong undercover agents.

The two were only seven and nine years old respectively at the time of their recruitment. Covert operations led them to homeschooling.

Their reunion after 50 years turned out a global redemption. It was left in God’s holy hands.

Bandit One Glove quoted in his book, “God used me, an ordinary man and brought me back to life from open heart surgery, knowing He can trust me to show the world that when we pass away, (Like Jesus), we will still live in the hearts of those who love us.”

Note: What is written may differ from that of the Minister Bandit One Glove or others for mentioned.

For more information about Minister Bandit One Glove, check out his website at: 

or browse through his social media accounts:




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About the Author

Mark Hammock and his foster brother graduated from third grade in 1966 in their parents’ home. His brother went home to the Lord’s Kingdom on June 25, 2009. Incidentally, Minister Bandit One Glove got a new birthday with matching hospital certificate. The Minister whose birth delivery as Mark Hammock was on July 9, 1956, now has a new birthday of resurrection, June 25, 2013. Four years to the day after his brother’s passing. The day Bandit One Glove had his recollection of his first Pastor and the makeshift church located in a deserted Feed Store building. This eventually became the famous Lakewood Church, a charismatic Christian Mega Church where televangelist Joel Osteen serves as pastor.

After serving as a teenage counselor in the halfway house of his mother in his teen years, Bandit One Glove volunteered in the rehabilitation of people oppressed by human traffickers and victims of parental or spousal abuse. He also helped victims of alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, and Posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD.

Minister Bandit One Glove was able to perform this voluntary work while raising his family. He assisted them in breaking down barriers produced by criminals and gangs within their environment.

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