M2 ProDesign Founder Aims to Empower Women with Fitness Career Guidance

June 26, 2023 – California-based M2 ProDesign’s founder and mentor, Emile Jarreau, has been helping multiple young women create a career for themselves in the fitness industry. The founder’s unique approach combining physical training and life guidance aims to support and empower women to create a successful path and eliminate old-school thinking.

Jarreau has encountered the mental challenges of being brought up in a dysfunctional household and how it takes a toll on life. The founder aims to help women in similar situations through his personal experiences. The founder has become a supportive figure for these aspiring women who wish to create a successful career in fitness with his soft heart and tough love approach. The M2 ProDesign community consisting of women from different backgrounds, aids them improve their physical health along with the possibilities of exploring a career in the fitness industry. 

Jarreau is dedicated to empowering young women due to his personal history. He was raised in a tumultuous environment and often shuttled between his parent’s homes. Jarreau experienced the consequences of looking for love in the wrong places. During his emotional struggles in his personal life, he realized the life-changing power of physical training, and since then, it has become an integral part of his life for more than 50 years.

Talking about the mentorship idea, Jarreau said, “I want to provide these women with the guidance and support that I wish I had received growing up. By empowering them to work for themselves, I hope to break the cycle of dependency and enable them to build fulfilling lives.”

M2 ProDesign’s target audience primarily involves women aged 25 to 55 who have experienced difficult circumstances in life, like divorce or intense situations that need them to rebuild their lives. These individuals require mentor guidance to navigate through their career and life challenges and get a new perspective on life. The founder’s approach to mentoring these individuals involves focusing on physical fitness and aiding women to develop a sense of resilience and self-reliance. 

The founder’s military background and intensive training have led to his coaching approach focusing on perseverance and discipline. Jarreau has undergone extensive physical conditioning while preparing for the NAVY Pilot Rescue and Combat Swimmer programs and NAVY SEAL TEAMS, and thus knows how it is important to push boundaries to achieve success.

“My goal is to attract new clients to train with my dedicated team of women and foster their growth, paying it forward,” says Jarreau. “Eventually, I hope to step away from the business and gift it to them, sharing the knowledge and expertise accumulated over 35 years of teaching.”

The M2 ProDesign has been flourishing daily, and the team invites young women to experience the transformative power of fitness. By joining the M2 ProDesign program, these individuals can get on the personal growth journey and discover their potential, ultimately flourishing in all spheres of life. 

To know more about M2 ProDesign and their young women empowerment mission in the fitness professional space, please visit the M2 Pro Design website www.m2prodesign.com.

About M2 ProDesign LLC: 

M2 ProDesign aims to help busy female professionals achieve optimal fitness levels and improve their physical performance inside and outside the fitness studios. The company was founded in 1988 by Emile Jarreau. It focuses on empowering young women to pursue successful careers in the fitness industry by providing mentorship and guidance. M2 ProDesign aims to inspire and change individuals by helping them reach their full potential.

Media Contact
Company Name: M2 ProDesign
Contact Person: Emile Jarreau
Email: Send Email
City: Long Beach
State: CA 90802
Country: United States
Website: www.M2ProDesign.com