Welcome Live/Dead Cell Double Staining Kit to join Abbkine Celluar assay Kits family. Below, I will introduce the kit information to you.
Product name: Live/Dead Cell Double Staining Kit
Application notes: Abbkine Live/Dead Cell Double Staining Kit provides a convenient assay to evaluate the viability of cells, based on the simultaneous determination of live and dead cells with two probes that measure recognized parameters of cell health: plasma membrane integrity and intracellular esterase activity.
The kit utilizes LiveDye, a cell-permeable green fluorescent dye (Ex/Em = 488/530 nm), to stain live cells and NucleiDye, a cell non-permeable red fluorescent dye (Ex/Em = 535/617), to stain dead cells.
The featured Live or Dead Cell Double Staining Kit consists of LiveDye, NucleiDye and Assay Buffer (10X).
Please click booklet to find more information on Quantification by Flow Cytometry and Detection by Fluorescence Microscopy recommended procedures.
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Country: China
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