Abbkine LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit contains Activated AbFluor 488 solution, AbFluor 488 labeling solution and Purification column.
About AbFluor™ Fluorescent dyes
1. AbFluor™ dyes are a series of highly water-soluble fluorescent dyes spanning full UV-visible and near-infrared spectrum for labeling biomolecules, especially proteins and nucleic acids. Their hydrophilic property makes the protein conjugation readily performed in aqueous media, minimizing the use of organic solvents. AbFluor™ dyes not only have much better labeling performance than other fluorescent labeling dyes such as FITC, TRITC, Cy® dyes, Alexa Fluor® and Dylight® labeling dyes, but also far more stable than the antibodies or other biomolecules they label.
2. Super fluorescence performance: Innovative modifications to the core structure makes AbFluor™ dyes superior to other commercial dyes with many innovative novel features, including higher fluorescence brightness, improved photostability, broader pH range tolerance, better permeability and lower background. As the 3rd generation of fluorescent dyes, AbFluor™ dyes performed not only better than other traditional dyes, such as FITC, TRITC and Cy® dyes, but also exceed the quality of other 2nd generation commercial dyes, such as Alexa Fluor®, Dylight® and IRDye® dyes.
FITC Alexa Fluor 488 AbFluor 488
3. Perfect features:
• AbFluor™ dyes have excellent chemical structures, stable reactive group, with good photostability, ensuring the stability and high labeling effciency of bioconjugation.
• Highly water soluble (>100 mg/mL), minimizing fluorescence quenching. Also very soluble in other polar solvents, such as DMSO, DMF, methanol and ethanol.
• Broad fluoresence spectrum ranging from UV-visible to near-infrared, satisfing the demands of most researchers.
• Good PH tolerance, which are chemically stable within the pH range of almost 2 – 11.
4. You can click AbFluor dyes for more products information.
Application notes of LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Sampling Kit: is designed for preparing AbFluor™ 488 conjugates directly from proteins, peptides, and other ligands that contain a free amino group.
The AbFluor 488 Labeling Kit has below features:
1. Activated AbFluor 488 – Ready for Labeling to antibodies and other proteins.
2. Optimized kit procedure – following the standard protocol results in antibodies with excellent dye: protein ratios for optimum activity and fluorescence.
3. Single-use fluors – kits contain single-use vials of reagent.
4. Efficient purification—kits include purification columns, ensuring rapid and efficient removal of non-reacted dye and excellent protein recovery.
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