Leveraging Manufacturing Trade Show Expenses with Robotics & Automation News in 2020

Leveraging Manufacturing Trade Show Expenses with Robotics & Automation News in 2020

Many of the readers and subscribers to Robotics & Automation News are affiliated with or work for companies who attend many industry tradeshows throughout the year. It is not unusual for each show to absorb a large percentage of the sales and marketing budget. 

With each show at least six figures and the cumulative marketing spend often in the millions, it is ironic how poorly these events are cross promoted on social media and PR. Instead, a tweet will appear during the show saying to stop by the booth. Leveraging this critical marketing expense has never been effectively bundled until now. 

The new 2020 cross-promotional trade show sponsorship opportunity ensures that there are no fewer than ten published articles in the ten weeks prior to the event. These articles are then heavily cross-promoted in PR and social media. The published content is used as part of a marketing drip campaign to prospective attendees to make sure they do indeed, “Stop by the booth.”     

For more information contact Robotics & Automation News.

About TR Cutler, Inc. 

Thomas R. Cutler is the President and CEO of Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based, TR Cutler, Inc., the largest manufacturing communication firm worldwide with four dozen industry experts and thought leaders on staff. Cutler is celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the Manufacturing Media Consortium.

Cutler has authored more than 7,000 articles for a wide range of manufacturing periodicals, industrial publications, and business journals. Cutler is the most published freelance industrial journalist worldwide, and more than 4200 industry leaders follow Cutler on Twitter daily at @ThomasRCutler

Media Contact
Company Name: TR Cutler Inc.
Contact Person: Thomas R. Cutler
Email: Send Email
Phone: 954-682-6200
Address:3032 S. Oakland Forest Dr. S-2803 Unit 2803
City: Fort Lauderdale
Country: United States
Website: http://www.trcutlerinc.com