Co-authored with Raymond Aaron
Ground breaking book gives power of potential to youth
A newly published book Lets F’ the System: 5 Ways to Have All the Fun and Freedom You Want! by 20-year-old Bianca Muntean, gives young people pointers on being successful and enjoying life to the full.
Bianca says, “Let’s F’ the System is not something ordinary that you see every day. It’s your ticket to business class. Containing amazing success stories, Let’s F’ the System is the system that starts from within and works its way out. The F’ System is what our generation needs to reach its potential and follow their passions.”
Based on the goals of having freedom and fun, the book sets out five important factors and encourages awareness that these factors are within the reader’s control. It also includes quick tips and techniques for making these five factors work for them, not against them and it includes encouragements and tips on how to move up the ladder. The stories of those who have risen to success from more humble beginnings are inspiring and build on the ideas of overcoming fear and having faith in oneself.
Bianca Muntean is an award-winning author and has written the book with her mentor Raymond Aaron, the New York Times bestselling author. Having previously studied in Vienna, Bianca’s outlook on life changed for the better when she met Raymond Aaron. She realized that life had more to offer in terms of both finance and personal development. She is now financially independent at the age of just 20. She started her own business and named it just like her book, Let’s F’ The System.
Bianca wrote Let’s F’ the System to give young people the awareness that personal development will give them the opportunity to live a happy and fulfilled life. Self-discovery, success and, of course, the possibility of getting rich whilst doing what you love are the aims of the book. Bianca shares her knowledge and experience of how to overcome the system and to take a closer look at oneself.
Let’s F’ the System: 5 Ways to Have All the Fun and Freedom You Want!
is available in paperback and can be purchased by visiting Bianca’s website
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