“We didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost.”
This is how the Nokia CEO ended his speech, in the middle of the press conference, to announce that NOKIA was forfeit by Microsoft.
Nokia’s products is one of the most popular and the best selling brand, 12 years ago. They are a respectable company. However, their analysis of the industry and market landscape was wrong. Their decline started during the rise of the one-screen phone: the 1st iPhone, then the big name OS’s like iOS and Android. Nokia was loyal to a fault and stuck with Symbian which failed to keep up with iOS and Android. So they did some things wrong.
If they had gotten on the Android bandwagon, they could’ve been where Samsung is now. When you think about it, that’s kinda what happened… Samsung became the strongest competition vs Apple simply because they hopped on the Android wagon and hit the nitro button, and Nokia didn’t.
Latest Technology and Marketing Strategy
The story of NOKIA, proved that even how big is the company, if you do not accept the latest, you will be out. Everything that we have today, will be replaced by tomorrow. The Marketing Industry is not an exception. For marketers, it is necessary to stay abreast with how social media and the latest way of marketing develops.
So what was the Latest Strategy of Marketers?
Did you hear the new trendy marketing strategy that you’ve probably should use in your next campaign? Facebook Ads? Insta Ads? Or on Newspaper? Staying updated is not easy, especially in Digital Marketing. This is also the reason why NOKIA seems falling. For Social Media Marketers, Social media is the most convenient, unfortunately what worked last year won’t necessarily work this year, that is why SWACE creates a latest way of marketing with Blockchain, the latest and most controversial technology today.
One of the numbers of challenges that marketers facing was “User-Brand Interaction”. Every AD was all about “customer engagement”. To keep a large number of customers to your brand on board for the long haul, was the one key to run a successful business in the digital age. For SWACE, their users are rewarded for participating in the promotion of brands. With blockchain technology, it employs the functionalities of smart contracts sanction the users connect with brands commercially where they will receive rewards from interacting with these brands.
SWACE is in the middle of its development, it got listed on several exchanges such; CoinTiger, Probit, Shortex, IDEX and recently STEX exchanges, however still suffer with some challenges from the market and competitors. Hence it is not the basis of the success of one project today, what the most important is the product, the concept and the flow. The concept of SWACE which ,Blockchain technology creates a valuable, sustainable business model for both the brand and Swace. It also brings transparency and distribution to the Swace gaming community, which increases the ROI of the listed brands’ marketing investments. This is achieved by players engaging with their preferred brands. Swace is coming later this year as a pilot in a small market where leading local and even big international brands are ready to join. After the pilot Swace will take road to enter the big markets. Swace is going to strengthen the economy by adding more products where SWACE coin will take a lead role. These are Swace Marketplace and Swace Exchange.
“These achievements show that Swace has real-world value for investors,” CEO and co-founder, Dovydas Riasnojus said. “We hope that these endorsements from some of the most influential names in the crypto space will continue to help us continue our success story, garner the attention of internationally-backed brands.”
Development is the key of success
Perhaps we misunderstand the concept of Cryptocurrency as a whole. Perhaps those who invest in ICO misunderstand the concept more than anyone else. In the case of NOKIA highlights a dark side of business and marketing that we are not used to seeing. To show that even a billionaire struggled to handle his empire. If we’re not continue to develop on what the present users needs, you will end up like the song “London Bridge is falling down.”
You can Ask any startup owner or devs about the problems and challenges they’ve faced while garnering funds or how they stay up close with their customers, and they’ll let you know how hard it is to do. How they managed the pump and dump, the boon and bane, the fuds, the fudders, could you imagine how hard they feel every day just to keep the ecosystem calm and shine? It is hard especially for startup to reach the top, however Blockchain helps them to stay and move faster. Swace represent the beginning of the year in a commercial cryptography that has particular characteristics, with the numerous and current commercial crypto markets who dominate the market.
Henceforth, SWACE was listed on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko and if you want to join their team, SWACE was hiring a senior back-end engineer and Android developer.
The views expressed in this article are not the financial advise and do not reflect the opinions of any of the companies mentioned above.
Media Contact
Company Name: SWACE
Contact Person: Dovydas Riasnojus
Email: Send Email
Phone: +44 208 1231188
Country: Lithuania
Website: https://swace.io/