Lakeside Union School District is partnering with their local Sheriff’s Office in order to create safer campuses.
Lakeside and their partners are executing crime prevention through what they’re calling “Environmental Design” (CPTED). CPTED strategies are reliant upon influencing offender decisions that precede criminal acts. Research reveals that the decision to offend or not to offend is more influenced by whether or not the criminal will be caught. Lakeside’s new strategies are compliant with this research. Through manipulating schools’ “natural environments;” buildings, trees, etc., Lakeside hopes to prevent crime on their campuses.
The new reports will focus on the following five areas:
1. Natural Surveillance. Causes potential threats to feel increased limitations in their escape routes.
2. Natural Access Control. Will focus on more clearly differentiating between public and private space in order to both limit access and control flow.
3. Territorial Reinforcement. Owners are keener on challenging intruders and by using fences, buildings, pavement, signs lighting and landscape that express ownership, “intruders” stand out and thus are more easily identified.
4. Maintenance. Maintenance is an extension of ownership of property. As the Broken Windows Theory suggests, deterioration of property indicates less control by owners to potential intruders. The sooner damaged property is attended to, the less likely future damage such as vandalism will occur.
5. Activity Support. Through increasing the use of the built environment for safe activities with the intent of increasing the risk of detection of both undesirable and criminal activities.
Lakeside Union School District actively works to keep their students safe. They keep up on new research because school safety is of utmost importance to them.
About Lakeside Union School District
The Lakeside Union School District (LUSD) is located in the East County area of San Diego, California and is comprised of seven elementary schools and two middle schools. LUSD is dedicated to providing a challenging environment that will instill a love of lifelong learning and promote academic, vocational and social skills necessary for fulfillment in students’ futures. LUSD strives to ensure every child has a quality education in a safe, accepting, and respectful environment where education is exciting.
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Media Contact
Company Name: Lakeside Union School District
Contact Person: Andy Johnsen
Email: Send Email
Phone: (619) 390-2600
Address:12335 Woodside Avenue
City: Lakeside
State: California
Country: United States