Katia Rave’s “Success Is A Dance” now available for pre-order

Popular business coach, Katia Rave, releases her new entrepreneurship guide titled “Success Is A Dance,” to help business owners build and grow a successful venture

Katia Ravé has authored a new book titled “Success Is A Dance,” in line with her goal of helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses and achieve a six-figure revenue while living the life they love. The book is authored as a guide to business owners, with Katia sharing her wealth of experience and knowledge with readers. “Success Is A Dance” is currently available for pre-order for success-oriented entrepreneurs across the globe.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 20% of new businesses fail in their first two years of operation, with another 45% collapsing in the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. The report also stated that only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. The figures show the difficulty and complexities in entrepreneurship and why businesses often struggle to get sales. However, Katia Ravé is looking to change this narrative by helping entrepreneurs design a map that will guide them to success.

Katia likens entrepreneurship to tango, stating that determination is a major factor in achieving success. In her new book, the multilingual business coach and tango dancer shows the importance of having fundamentals in place and connecting with clients in building and growing a 6-figure business without wasted resources. Katia addresses the common mistake of most entrepreneurs – wanting to get to a destination full of money, leads, and clients, without knowing the path to take.

Katia Ravé dishes out the lessons she learned over a lifetime in entrepreneurship and as an Argentine tango dancer. She relates tango to business in a lively, original way as opposed to several other guides that contain abstract content.

Over the years, Katia has helped several businesses across different industries to achieve their goals, with accolades coming from different quarters. “One of the shortcomings I’ve battled against in my career is my sometimes paralyzing self-doubt, especially when making changes to the business I’ve grown for 15 years. Katia is the coach I needed who, for a year, helped me transform my thinking and focus on creating the business and life of my dreams,” said Steve Hunt.

In addition to the soon-to-be-released book, Katia also shares her wealth of knowledge via 1-on-1 coaching sessions, podcast series, and speaking events.

For more information about “Success Is A Dance” and other works from Katia Ravé via Ravé Strategy Studio, please visit – https://ravestrategystudio.com/.

Ravé Strategy Studio is also available across several social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

About Ravé Strategy Studio

Ravé Strategy Studio was founded by Katia Ravé, a Business Strategy Coach who works with coaches, consultants, and serviced-based entrepreneurs to enroll more clients and make more money while enjoying their business.

Media Contact
Company Name: Rave Strategy Studio
Contact Person: Katia Rave
Email: Send Email
Phone: 919-30805330
Address:4409 Randal Rd
City: Durham
State: North Carolina
Country: United States
Website: ravestrategystudio.com/book/