A Jinga is anyone who manages or helps manage their family’s health. The term “Jinga” takes its origin from the great African Queen of Angola who was a protector and guardian of her people in the 17th Century.
Life’s enough of a juggling act, especially when it comes to your family’s health. Trying to manage visits to the GP, hospital or dentist, keeping track of appointments times, storing test results, keeping repeat prescriptions on hand – the paperwork quickly stacks up!
Jinga Life empowers the “Jinga” by allowing them to take control of and effectively manage their family’s health information.
This situation may strike a chord with some families – sometimes just getting to a GP or hospital appointment on time can be a challenge in itself – but when you get there you realise you have left relevant paperwork at home or your doctor asks you about the results of that blood test your little one had 3 months ago and you know that piece of paper is firmly held in place on your fridge thanks to that glittery fridge magnet you received as a present from the Costa del Sol… Jinga Life puts an end to organisational nightmares when it comes to your family’s health and finding all the pieces of information from different sources – it does all that for you.
Helga Rohlfs, a busy Mum looking after her 2 year old, is the Jinga in her home. “I used to keep all my family’s health info in a shoebox, which was my way of keeping everything in one place. With Jinga Life, things have changed. The App lets me record my own and my family’s health information, inputting any medical conditions and allergies we have. I can put appointment dates in the calendar and the App will send me reminders of what’s coming up. I can upload treatment plans, repeat prescriptions and test results so they are at my fingertips 24 hours a day if I need to access them on my mobile. I can also share this information with my GP if I wish to. It gives me one less thing to worry about and peace of mind that I have that information available whenever and wherever I may need it.”
The passion behind Jinga Life
Dr Johnny Walker, founder and Chairman of Jinga Life talks about his brainchild: “My vision has always been to empower the Jinga in every home across the globe, now we have provided the tools they need to live a healthier and happier lifestyle for themselves and their families.”
Dr. Walker is an Australian-trained qualified Interventional Radiologist and Nuclear Physician. Back in 1995, Johnny led a small team providing a mobile Ultrasound service, scanning pregnant Aboriginal women in remote communities in outback Australia.
With the boom of theinternet this modest practice rapidly evolved into Global Diagnostics, an international Teleradiology enterprise sending and diagnosing digital images from around the world. He moved the company to Ireland in 2007 growing it internationally. Following his successful exit from theorganisation, Dr. Walker was nominated as an International EY Entrepreneur of the Year finalist in 2011 for his pioneering work with Global Diagnostics. Today, Dr. Johnny Walker continues to pursue his journey of disrupting healthcare for the better through Jinga Life.
Clare Harney, CEO of Jinga Life with more than 20 years experience across the Irish health system says “We are delighted to release our platform for Jingas everywhere to truly empower their families in managing health and wellness”.
Response to the platform and App to date has been phenomenal but this is just the beginning for Jinga Life, there are big plans for further benefits in the pipeline, so stay tuned!
To find out more and sign up to Jinga Life, please visit their website jinga.life where you can also download the new App.
For further information please contact Juliana Marfil at juliana@jinga.life/ 353 87 948 7115
Media Contact
Company Name: Jinga Life
Contact Person: Juliana Marfil
Email: Send Email
Phone: +353 87 948 7115
City: Dublin
Country: Ireland
Website: www.jinga.life