Newport Beach, CA 25th October 2016: The executives of today as well as the businesses are always facing multiple challenges in a rapidly changing marketplace. Mergers in addition to Actuations and increased competition have formed a desire to find a considerably aggressive competitive advantage. Studies have found that an executives’ decision-making habits, focus points, actions and skill at taking action creates the difference between success and failure.
The Center for Peak Performance is an Leading edge organization that concentrates in Level 3 mentorship – the skill of linking neuroscience with business.
Dr. John OKeefe with regard to conscious and subconscious mind’s role had this to say;
“The conscious mind is used for planning, business, marketing, operation plans etc. The subconscious mind is where results are created. What transfers from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind and reinforced or embedded becomes your habit, whether you know it or not, or believe it or not.This is the core element of paradigm change. By understanding how your mind/brain works with proper training from the Center for Peak Performance, you will be able to rapidly achieve results you desire. Achieving success will become an automatic behavior and habit.”
Dr. OKeefe’s Center for Peak Performance has a multiplicity of programs customized for leadership achievement. Whether via individual management or group management, the company makes use of particularly created neuroscience to re-instruct the brainpower for brain established leadership. As the foremost expert in the area, Dr. John Okeefe is open to medium meetings on his techniques for neuroscience associating with business accomplishment. When neuroscience connects with business, sophisticated business managers not only discover how to create a winning business, but they expand their talents to develop success through attaining their optimal performance and creating maximum success.
About Center for Peak Performance
The Center for Peak Performance is a leading edge company whose spotlight is on creating a most advantageous performance for executives, entrepreneurs, corporations, athletes as well as others. Our exceptional niche is Level 3 Mentorship. For more information about this or to receive a complementary strategic planning consultation please call 949-258-4418, or visit: or
Media Contact
Company Name: Center for Peak Performance
Contact Person: Dr. OKeefe
Phone: 949-258-4418
Address:2901 West Coast Highway, Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92663
Country: United States