ICAAE Release Report on COVID-19 Academic Impact in Global Mobility

ICAAE Release Report on COVID-19 Academic Impact in Global Mobility
ICAAE Release Report on COVID-19 Academic Impact in Global Mobility
International Council for the Accreditation of Academic Evaluation(ICAAE) today released the final version of a report authored by the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment which provides the first in-depth analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on student learning.


International Council for the Accreditation of Academic Evaluation (ICAAE) today released the final version of a report authored by the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment which provides the first in-depth analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on student learning. The report examines student performance on the  exam for multilingual learners and quantifies the impact on student learning by grade, demographic group, previous academic achievement, and school district. The report found significant impacts across the state, concluding that recovering to pre-pandemic levels of student achievement will require multiple years of accelerated learning strategies.


“We must do whatever it takes to get students back on track in the wake of the pandemic,” said  Education Chair Jamie J. Johnson. “Despite the setbacks we and communities across the nation have faced, we will find a way to help our students both catch up and get ahead of where they would be without the effects of COVID-19. It will take a statewide effort, but we are confident that we can do it together.”

“This report reveals the full scale of the pandemic’s impact on student learning and gives a look at the challenging path ahead of us,” said Jamie J. Johnson. “We must now work to implement methods of accelerated learning, including the findings of the ICAAE Task Force and the work of educators whose students improved during the pandemic. Districts have already begun this work, and we look forward to working with parents, educators, and community groups to continue it in the coming years.”

Whether through international credential evaluation reports, immigration integration programs, or services for refugees and displaced persons, at ICAAE we never lose sight of the goals of the people behind our work. Everything we do represents the potential for a life improved. Global mobility means geographic relocation, but also potential career growth and community improvement. We aim to help with all of it.

The reasons people move around the world are as varied as the people themselves; sometimes they move for education or love, but sometimes also for simple survival. The ICAAE Gateway program came about when we saw the disadvantages refugees face in resettlement when they are unable to produce credentials due to chaos in their home countries. We realized that our deep knowledge of global protocols and practices meant we could help refugees recreate missing documentation and credentials.


Since 1980, International Council for the Accreditation of Academic Evaluation, (ICAAE) has provided quality evaluation and verification of foreign educational documents for thousands of internationally educated professionals from more than 95 countries around the world.

An ICAAE credential evaluation report can help an individual with foreign academic background/credentials to gain access to higher education, employment, or professional certification in the United States. It can also be used to fulfil the requirements of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service.

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