How Translation May Affect E-Commerce

How Translation May Affect E-Commerce
Ecommerce is one of the biggest phenomenon that emerged over the past decades. The skyrocketing success of Amazon and Alibaba stores has marked the rise of online sales in recent years. Now, actually, all of the branded shops have their goods sold online.

Revenue of Online Retailers

Mass media has recently reported about the increase of revenue for online retailers that hit the record high of nearly $1.70 trillion worldwide. This was achieved largely by the merit of Amazon and Alibaba giants. But nearly half of that amount falls on other online stores and shops which means that more companies are taking on selling their goods online. Also, it is an indication of how powerful the ecommerce has become in the world.

Prospects of Online Marketing

Surely, it is not just the current status of the online market that shows that future is in the online retail. According to numerous official predictions the ecommerce sales will be doubled within the next few years. This also indicates the future potential of being online for any shop selling goods or any kind of merchandize and the benefit that will help companies to become like global brands.

One of the challenges that any company may face in winning more clients is how to branch out into new markets. Internet is the media that breaks down geographical borders and allows sellers to connect with buyers in a matter of seconds and thus expands the presence of the company to distant corners of the world, no matter how far they are.

Language as a Challenge for Your Online Presence

However, if you are going to build a global brand and make your goods present in most parts of the world, apart from just electronic outreach to different world markets there is another issue that should be solved – language barrier! There are countries where English is not spoken at the first language and the most common language is foreign. And only a very limited number of people can speak and read in English.

According to the reports by the end of 2019, only about 30 per cent of the world’ population can speak English, despite it being the most popular online language on the globe. It means that about a big portion of 70% of the rest of prospective customers remains untapped and unreached if your website or document is not effectively translated.

How to Reach New Customers with Document Translation Services

According to the data obtained from global researchers the top ten languages most widely spoken in the world wide web account for three-quarters of the total number of the current online users. It amounts to around 3 billion prospective customers distributed between ten languages and makes a big difference in choosing the right one for the particular region and market. It is rather a huge audience that can be reached only with professional document translation services.

English to German and French Translation of Online Stores

The website or a document properly translated and localized for each foreign language will welcome more visitors and convert them into buyers, and give them pleasant experience that will encourage them to buy your goods and come again as customers in the future and even promote your brand. Ecommerce translation of documents from English to German or any other language is what will enhance your marketing capacities in at least two market areas – English and German speaking countries. Same applies to French speaking public. You can reach it with translation of documents from English to French using the professional ecommerce translators qualified in your specific sector and who will well contribute to your brand awareness.

Translation and Optimization of Your Ecommerce Shop

And, of course, it is not only the language that should be translated well. You have to make sure your websites are SEO optimized and regularly updated with new engaging content for specific language, all product descriptions along with buttons are translated, that will make the customer satisfied and welcome in your online store.

Promote Your Brand with Professional Translation

Putting your staff in order is always time and money consuming but rewarding. But only those companies and online shops that provide the translation in a range of the most commonly spoken languages get the longest potential reach and create the highest prospects for growing the promoted brand on a truly global scale.

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