HiQroup Team is pleased to announce that O-WN game is now available online to play.
O-WN will have you exploring a galaxy of thousands of star and planets where you can build your Empire and establish your O-WN rules.
What O-WN is
O-WN is a free to play 2.5D browser MMORTS which unfolds in outer space after mankind’s’ flee from Earth, because Earth is on a collision course with a comet.
The players discover the universe, create colonies on new planets and build a variety of buildings but also armies of space crafts. They organize their defense formation, create alliances and plan attacks.
Each player has a significant role in the world of O-WN. The strategies and tactics of each one have a huge impact in the course of the game. Every operation and step of each alliance can change the flow of the game at any moment.
O-WN offers various challenges. From the survival and prosperity of the planets to the construction of an armada, from the organization of a research mission to the next steps of a war, the success of the players to cope will determine the form of the world.
In a universe with many secrets that unfold over time… In a universe that rewards you in one moment, only to threaten you with extinction in the very next second, everything is possible to change in the blink of an eye…..
O-WN has four (4) races. Yeenos is the first available race of the game while the other three races will be revealed as the game progresses and humankind takes over the universe.
O-WN players have at their possession detailed guidance (in-game tutorials) and also plenty archives (documentation, wiki, forum, support) which helps them to learn and develop their first colony (estimated time being less than one hour), and also their first steps in the exploration of the universe.
O-WN is available in four languages: Greek, English, German, French and Russian. We aim to move into more languages in the future.
The game features of O-WN:
- 2 Races: Yeenos and Lympous.
- More than 30 different 3d buildings.
- More than 20 kinds of spaceships.
- many unexplored galaxies.
- 100 thousand stars and millions of planets.
- 4 economy pillars: 3 kinds of materials, population,deuterium and energy.
- Ability of developing large network of colonies.
- Ability of armada production.
- 90 different kind of planets to colonize.
- Secret ancient alien buildings
- Alliances
- Trading and Auction House
- In game chat
- many more…
Additionally, there will be three game cycles that will differ in duration and also in the area of the universe that the game will take place:
- Normal Universe lasting 3 to 6 months and major winners promotion.
- Grand universe lasting 1 years and major winners promotion.
The end of each cycle will be marked by festivities before the start of the new cycle.
For more information, feel free to contact us at social@p-cy.com. We’d love to hear from you and let you discover O-WN further.
Check out the story line trailer here:
About us
HiQroup Team is a group of professionals in the IT area but also enthusiast gamers, game developers, graphic designers etc.
The team is comprised by hard-working, passionate people, aiming to create a game in which the players will have the chance to live a unique experience, create strong bonds but also compete with each other.
We met through our passion for gaming and we bonded through our desire to create something more… our own game.
We started the development of O-WN a long time ago and slowly, with steady rhythm, our project grew into the game we dreamed of. We wish to keep progressing and evolving through the experiences that O-WN will give us but also our own personal experiences.
O-WN Game, the online strategy game that came out from our experiences, our imagination and hard work, intends to provide the best that is possible, and everything that we would like to see and share it with you and become our OWN – your OWN game.
Developers: HiQroup Team
Platform: Browser
Cost: Free-to-play
Size: Online Session Only
Technology: HTML 4/5 CSS3 JavaScript
Social Site: https://goo.gl/oqAEuN
Forum: https://goo.gl/Wwm7Zb
YouTube: https://goo.gl/yBE9tc
Discord: https://goo.gl/nKDARo
Twitter: https://goo.gl/iYc1Lv
Skype: https://join.skype.com/nnrjisBimS1u
O-WN Game chat: http://openbeta.o-wn.com/chat/yrafo/
Full press kit can be found here: http://presskit.o-wn.com/
Media Contact
Company Name: HiQroup
Contact Person: Andreas Zissimos | PR & Marketing Manager
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: http://welcome.o-wn.com