A tamping machine or ballast tamper is a machine used to pack (or tamp) the track ballast under railway tracks to make the tracks more durable. Prior to the introduction of mechanical tampers, this task was done by manual labour with the help of beaters. As well as being faster, more accurate, more efficient and less labour-intensive, tamping machines are essential for the use of concrete sleepers since they are too heavy (usually over 250 kg (551 lb)) to be packed into the ballast by hand.
Early machines only lifted the track and packed the ballast. More modern machines, sometimes known as a tamper-liner or tamping and lining machine, also correct the alignment of the rails to make them parallel and level, in order to achieve a more comfortable ride for passengers and freight and to reduce the mechanical strain applied to the rails by passing trains. This is done by finding places where the sleepers have sunk from the weight of the passing trains or frost action, causing the track to sag. The tamper lifts each sleeper and the rails up, and packs ballast underneath. When the sleeper is laid down again, the sagged rails now sit at the proper level. In cases where frost action has caused adjacent rails to rise higher, ballast tampers can raise rails above their original level to make the line level again. “Lining” rails doesn’t involve ballast tamping, it merely ensures the rails are perfectly parallel and straight as possible. Combining tamping and lining into a single machine saves time and money, as only one machine needs to be run over the track to perform both functions.
In the future, more and more companies will choose direct sale to customers in order to cut cost of sales. With the trends of more and more diverse needs from customers, there will be more customized sales. Besides, big companies with good reputation will choose to establish its own online order platform to cut cost.
This report studies the global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa, focuses on the top 5 players in each region, with sales, price, revenue and market share from 2013 to 2018, the top players:
Harsco Rail
Remputmash Group
Gemac Engineering Machinery
Market Segment by Regions, this report splits Global into several key Regions, with sales, revenue, market share of top players in these regions, from 2013 to 2018 (forecast), like
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Korea)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy and Russia etc.)
South America (Brazil, Chile, Peru and Argentina)
Middle East and Africa (Egypt, South Africa, Saudi Arabia)
Split by Product Types, with sales, revenue, price, market share of each type, can be divided into
Straight Track Tamping Machines
Points and Crossing Tamping Machines
Multi-purpose Tamping Machines (MPT)
Split by applications, this report focuses on sales, market share and growth rate in each application, can be divided into
New Railway Lines Construction
Track Maintenance
Pre-order this market forecast report at: https://www.marketresearchreports.com/mrrpb2/forecast-global-tamping-machine-market-2023
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