Technology today provides so many options for beautiful skin. The very best treatment uses RF (Radio Frequency) applications and Lasers (Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation).Radio Frequency delivers heat to a specific area related to the tissue properties, i.e. the electrical resistive characteristics. Lasers are a safe and alternative treatment to using invasive measures which can leave scarring. Lasers for treating skin blemishes are used in today’s world of modern medicine, specifically the use of pulsed Lasers. A pulsed Laser, is a specialized laser system, offering non-intrusive medical solutions for the treatment of the skin and skin diseases. This application can be used to remove ugly blemishes from skin and in many cases, skin rejuvenation processes. Also, any unwanted hair can be removed by applying Radio Frequency or Laser treatment, such treatments are offered by SharpLight™
SharpLight™ Laser technology itself, using the IPL patented system (Intense Pulsed Light), can be used for skin tightening, without the use of applications such as Botox or other skin fillers The Pulsed Laser is applied to a precise portion of the skin, or damaged area, and the emission of light energy, absorbs water, blood and or pigment leaving surrounding areas free from disruption. SharpLight™ has two new and advanced systems, the Omnimax and the Rapid series. Aesthetic Specialists can choose from three different settings depending upon the type of application required.
SharpLight™ have developed an advanced RF technology platform that consists of three sets of Bi-polar centers, each center emitting a lower energy level. The advantage of this system is that it produces less heat, which is then delivered on to the epidermis, but radiates higher heat to the thick layer of tissue, below the epidermis or dermis itself. The dermis contains the skin’s blood vessels and nerve endings, also sweat glands and hair follicles, together with other structures. This energy is delivered on to the other centers preventing high levels of heat concentrating in the areas with the lowest electrical resistance. This treatment is therefore highly effective and absolutely pain free. SharpLight offers a variety of products for the various applications of skin treatments. The OmniMax S4 uses the DPC or dynamic pulse control system lasers, whilst the OmniMax S3 delivers an RF, or radio frequency system. The VermaDerm Infrared technology is considered to be the best amongst available technologies, and is used for skin tightening and/or skin rejuvenation. Skin rejuvenating treatment using this method will certainly improve the facial appearance.
SharpLight™ also offers the Rapid Vanish, Rapid QS and Rapid Peel for tattoo removal. Rapid Tight and Rapid Firm, as the names imply, are for Vascular lesions are Skin contouring devices, respectively. Canadian medical aesthetic and cosmetic industries use this very latest aesthetic technology for businesses in the Ontario districts, to name but one.
Media Contact
Company Name: SharpLight Technologies, Inc.
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone: 1-866-513-7797
Address:8601 Jane St. #6
City: Vaughan
State: Ontario L4K 5N9
Country: Canada