Kendall, Florida – Kendall resident Yanatha Desouvre shares a heartwarming and remarkable story on about one of the world’s finest guitarists, Daniel Coulanges. In 1989, two years before Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive, Coulanges lost his life to AIDS; he was a mere 28 years old. Although his life ended far too soon, his legacy will last forever. Desouvre is using Coulanges music to raise awareness about HIV, encouraging everyone to know their own HIV status. This is important everywhere, but especially in Miami-Dade County, which Care Sources indicates is the number one county in Florida for new cases of HIV.
It all started this spring, when Desouvre received a package in the mail. He opened the box, found a video, placed it in his video player, and pressed play. The harmonious sounds of his late uncle and godfather, Daniel Coulanges, filled the room as Coulanges played an unaccompanied classical guitar adaption of Ne Me Quitte Pas. As the video continued, Desouvre saw and heard a number of musical masterpieces, including Don’t Cry for Me Argentina and Killing Me Softly; Desouvre felt Coulanges’ presence as if they were in the same room.
“When I saw the video, with each guitar string my godfather plucked, I cried and cried. I was 11 years old when I last saw uncle Daniel alive. My godfather was speaking directly to me with each and every guitar string he plucked.”, Desouvre spoke. With tears in his eyes, he continued, “I feel I’ve been called to do something to keep him alive through his music.” That is exactly what Desouvre is doing.
You will soon have the opportunity to listen to the smooth sounds of Coulanges’ guitar. His music is being remastered and produced has opened listeners’ eyes, ears, and hearts to the music, while nudging them to learn their HIV status. With selected pledges to the “World’s Finest” Indiegogo project, donors will receive a musical album (mastered digital and limited physical edition), guitar clips, t-shirts, and a video concert. Join Desouvre in bringing Coulanges’ newly found recordings to life by visiting Indiegogo and searching for “Daniel Coulanges.”
About Yanatha Desouvre
Yanatha Desouvre is a prolific author. He was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., and Philadelphia, Pa. Desouvre now lives in Kendall, Fla with his wife and children. Desouvre has written several books, including Walk Through this Journey: Volume One and Two (The Next Step Forward); A Family Affair; Savor the Moments, An Essential Guide to Windows 10, Big Sister, Little Sister, To Whom Much is Given, and Proud to Be. They are available on Desouvre has two audiobooks: Walk Through this Journey: Volume One and Savor the Moments now available through iTunes and Google play stores. Desouvre earned his MBA in Marketing and Mass Communication and Media Management at Lynn University, and his Bachelor’s Degree in MIS and Marketing at Drexel University
Media Contact
Company Name: Yanatha Books
Contact Person: Yanatha Desouvre
Phone: 561-713-0462
Country: United States