Festival fave Empathy Inc gets trailer, North American theatrical release

Festival fave Empathy Inc gets trailer, North American theatrical release

A still from Empathy, Inc
Trailer released for September sci-fi release

The trailer for a unique new independent film titled “Empathy, Inc” – out in September – has been released.

Distributor Dark Star Pictures has set the title, directed by Yedidya Gorsetman, for theatrical and VOD release on September 13 and 24, respectively.

The film preview, which you can see below, teases an intriguing account of a VR startup investor who discovers that the company he has contributed coin to isn’t virtual at all.

Gorsetman, who hails from Brooklyn, said in a recent online interview that classic Stanley Kubrick and Alfred Hitchcock films were among he and writer Mark Leidner’s inspirations for the novel film.

“When I was a kid, my family used to vacation at a cabin on a lake with few amenities, so you really had to love the outdoors. A family friend who was a film buff and who had a VCR also stayed in a neighbouring cabin. Since I never really cared for the lake, I’d hang out at her cabin a lot. She loved horror films and had great taste in general, so my summers were spent watching films like The Shining, Birds, Psycho, The Exorcist, etc. I guess that has influenced my present ambition to make thoughtfully entertaining movies.”

The film is compared to “Primer”, Hanne Carruth’s 2004 film about a man and woman who are drawn together, entangled in the life cycle of an ageless organism.

“…But conceptually and tonally the film is probably more similar to Being John Malkovich”, the filmmaker says.

Hotshot venture capitalist Joel has a multimillion-dollar deal go up in smoke, and he and his actress wife Jessica are forced to move in with her parents and start from scratch. At the lowest and most desperate moment in his life, Joel meets old friend Nicolaus and his business partner Lester, who are seeking investors in a new technology known as XVR—Xtreme Virtual Reality—from their company Empathy, Inc., which is said to offer the most realistic and moving experiences for users by placing them in the lives of the less fortunate. Joel gets the startup its funds but soon discovers that the tech’s creators have far more sinister uses in store for their creation and that the reality it provides its customers isn’t virtual.

Video Link: https://youtu.be/-aoV8KBLdCg

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