Mark Heidebrecht, co-owner of Ergonomics International, discussed avoiding transmission of COVID-19 for those working in non-traditional work environments. Watch the video here.
Heidebrecht shared a sanitation process in the home-work environment starting with a thorough cleaning of the hands for 20 seconds. “It’s important to do a good cleaning of handrails, doorknobs, light switches; any place that has a finger touch, a point of contact before cleaning the home office.”
Ergonomics International is providing videos to remind those working at home of the ergonomic adjustments that can be made in the home to improve comfort and avoid transmission of COVID-19.
About Ergonomics International
Each with more than twenty years’ experience working from forensic investigation to factory floors, Ergonomics International focuses on designing and implementing tools that are evidence-based. Mark Heidebrecht (MSE, ACSM-EP, CPE/CHFP) and Sam Bradbury (MAOM, ATC, ACSM-EP, CPE/CHFP) built one of the largest ergonomic libraries globally, including one of the largest occupational epidemiology datasets to make the most informed decisions.
In addition to one of the largest data libraries, the company utilizes a statistical epidemiologist and assembled peer-reviewed studies focused on ensuring the latest and best answers to ergonomic and human factors impacting the challenges that companies face.
Recently, the company introduced one of the most powerful software tools for companies and insurers to reduce musculoskeletal injury risk. This mobile compatible software tool provides the best information to help management quantify and mitigate risk.
Ergonomics International’s Evidence‐Based Risk Analysis Software Suite
Ergonomics International’s Evidence‐Based Risk Analysis Software Suite utilizes standardized tools which have high validity and reliability. These tools provide management with real-time data to make evidence‐based decisions, yet data is simple enough for ergonomic, safety, occupational health, Lean Manufacturing, and Six-Sigma professionals to understand and apply.
Dashboards are customizable providing the most valuable information at each level of the enterprise. Leading indicators allow users to get ahead of injuries and focus on prevention with the use of cost-effective tools.
Mobile analysis tools include:
EPDA™ (Employee Perceived Exertion Analysis)
Z‐EBRA™ (Proprietary Evidence-Based Risk Analysis)
NERPA – (Novel Ergonomic Postural Assessment)
Cumulative Lifting Analysis
ISO-based Ergonomic Analysis
Manual Material Handling Guidelines
NIOSH Lifting Equation (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
ACGIH Hand Threshold Limit Value
The mobile compatible SaaS (Software as a Service) solution accurately documents and reports risks in real-time. Mobile compatibility eliminates traditional methods of dual entry that create lags in data analysis and potential introduction of errors.
For more information call (913) 488-3127.
Media Contact
Company Name: Ergonomics International
Contact Person: Mark Heidebrecht
Email: Send Email
Phone: (913) 488-3127
Address:15633 S Brookfield St.
City: Olathe
State: Kansas
Country: United States