Educamp Ganesha Partners with Alumni Institute Technology to improve its Educational system and prepare its students for SBMPTN 2018 Exam.

25 January, 2018 – Educamp Ganesha top learning guidance institution with majority base of its founders from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has announced it is partnering with Alumni Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) to improve its educational system. With its main focus on Bimbingan Belajar SBMPTN preparation camp program, the PTN Mandiri Test and the preparation for the 2018 international class.

With its primary commitment to maintaining the quality of the guidance services provided to students, Educamp Ganesha is proud to partner with Alumni Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) in developing and delivering this informal education service.

“With the existence of ALUMNI ITB, Educamp Ganesha believes it has the right partner for the improvement of its educational system in the future so that the educational service provided will help the students in developing and improving their academic potentials.”

To add more diversity, besides partnering with ALUMNI ITB, Educamp is also supported by colleagues from other universities such as UI, IPB, UGM, Unpad, UNJ, UPI, etc. With the primary intent to build a team that will ways be ready in assisting students in preparing to face tests such as Bimbingan Belajar SBMPTN, PTN Mandiri Test and international class ITB / UI / UGM.

Educamp Ganesha is committed to bringing the best teachers and mentors in guiding the academics of SBMPTN 2018 Student Guidance in maximizing academic potential so that they are ready to face SBMPTN 2018 exam.

The Educamp faculty is a combination of university alumni faculty with students who are still active in college. The purpose of this combination is to optimize the teaching of the students. The combination of course, will sharpen the concept of learning because academia will get two inputs at once, the maturity of learning and also the spirit of learning.

Most Educamp Ganesha 2018 educators are from ITB, with some of the other teachers also from some of the best State Universities in the country such as UI, IPB, Unpad, UNJ, UPI, etc.

For academia who will try SBMPTN 2018 test, should try to understand SOAL BMPTN 2017 problems and learn the discussion by academia itself. After the academy tries to work on a set of questions on SOAL BMPTN 2017, the evaluation of academic readiness

“We are supported by several ITB alumni who are ready to assist Educamp Ganesha 2018 in maximizing Students’ ability to challenge the issues that will arise on Bimbel SBMPTN, Maupin Mandiri Test International test 2018.”

With so many benefits attached to this partnership to mention but a few are:

  • Unlimited Sources Teachers
  • Update Information
  • Ideas For The Development Of The Quality Of Tutoring
  • Strong Link with Alumni from Institut Teknologi Bandung

The benefits mentioned above will further strengthen the students in learning and will also create a focus for the mentor to be more pivoted, reliable and successful.

Educamp Ganesha is a leading learning guidance institution with the focus on assisting students in preparing to face test Bimbel SBMPTN, PTN Mandiri Test and international class ITB / UI / UGM.

About Educamp Ganesha

Educamp Ganesha is not only committed to bringing the best teachers and mentors in guiding the academics of SBMPTN 2018 Student in maximizing their academic potential so that they are ready to face SBMPTN exams., It also has a robust learning method which will project students academic performance as well as progress in facing the preparation of SBMPTN 2018 test.

Until now, we already have enough networks spread in several big cities in Indonesia. Academia can contact directly to them. The cities in question are Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan and Palembang. For cities outside of that please contact us for more detail information.

Media Contact
Company Name: Educamp Ganesha
Contact Person: Edi/ Hafidz
Phone: +6281310600284
Address:Bukit Cimanggu City, Cluster Oakwood 9/8
City: Bogor
State: West Java
Country: Indonesia