DIGIPHARM were invited to the Parliament Awards Dinner 2018

On Friday the 26th October, DIGIPHARM were invited to the Parliament Awards Dinner 2018. This is an annual prestigious event held at the House of Commons, Parliament of the United Kingdom, London. The occasion comprised of an international audience of diplomats, members of parliament, health innovators and high-ranking officials in the medical sector. We were delighted to address everyone in attendance on our vision for improving healthcare through our ground-breaking platform.

Furthermore, in recognition of our efforts and dedication to the medical sector, DIGIPHARM were awarded the prize for Health IT Innovation. We are extremely proud of our achievement and feel this represents another step closer towards fulfilling our aim of providing value-based healthcare delivery. We would like to thank the Essex Medical Society, Harley Street Medical Consultants and Queen Anne Street Medical Centre among others for nominating us for this award.

Our website (www.digipharm.io) provides further information on just how we plan to tackle the rising costs of healthcare and allow for a more sustainable and patient focused value-based model. Please visit now and sign up to be provided with our latest updates. For a limited time only, you will also receive a 30% discount on our ICO token.

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digipharm/

Media Contact
Company Name: DIGIPHARM
Contact Person: Ahmed Abdulla
Email: Send Email
Country: Switzerland
Website: digipharm.io