Handbags are more than just an accessory they are also a daily necessity for many people around the world, however, sometimes the inside of a handbag can turn into a deep dark abyss where things seem to get lost all the time and are really hard to quickly retrieve. Phoebe, the Auto-Sense Handbag Induction Light With a Power Bank may be a game changer and an easy solution for a common problem with handbags. The developer of HELOIDEO has decided to take this easy to use gadget to Indiegogo, a popular crowdfunding platform to build support and raise funds necessary to turn the idea into a reality.
You can find the campaign here: https://igg.me/at/handbaglight
The idea for an Auto-Sense Handbag Induction Light came out of necessity because the trend of using handbags to carry things is not going away anytime soon and the problem of losing and finding things inside the handbag will also remain. Phoebe is designed to save time and also be more reliable and easier to use compared to another alternative to light up the inside of a handbag, which includes using a lighter or a torch. The CEO of HELOIDEO Lewis explained: “Phoebe is a handy accessory that will automatically light up the inside of your handbag, making everything clear and helping you waste no time. A motion sensor will detect your hand’s movement and turn on a bright light that will illuminate the area you need clearly. No need to push buttons to turn it on or off. It will automatically shut off after 14 seconds, enough for you to find anything you need! No sense wasting even more time looking for flashlights or lighters in your handbag.” According to HELOIDEO’s CEO Lewis, Phoebe, Auto-Sense Handbag Induction Light with a power bank, can be used for a variety of different purposes, it will be available in 4 attractive colors and will be simple to use.
Phoebe started out as a simple experiment and now it has evolved into a product that is a no fuss, easy to use and portable lighting solution. The designing, engineering, the development of the prototype and its testing has all been completed and done by Heloideo team. Their objective has been developed a solution that is reliable, durable and provides a great performance.
The team has developed a variety of different rewards and perks to prize the generosity of those who support the campaign and the project through their monetary contributions. The rewards will include specially designed and manufactured items.
Media Contact
Company Name: HELOIDEO
Country: China
Website: www.heloideo.com