London, 18th October 2016: The presentation will be based on recognizing the warning signs experienced by the human body throughout one’s life, which show up as symptoms in our body. The human body is an extremely smart life form and it will not do anything without a reason, therefore symptoms don’t just turn up randomly. When the root cause is addressed, symptoms disappear and the person feels better. When we are not living with daily discomfort or pain, we naturally perform better in all areas of our life and have more energy to do what we really want to do.
The event in which Louise K. Shaw is speaking will take place on 10th-13th November in Orlando, Florida at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld. Other speakers include Randy Zuckerberg, Calvin Klein, John Travolta and 50 Cent. The theme of the event is ‘How to triple your Net-Worth in 2017’, and at the same time will also cover different subject matters like social issues and health.
Louise K. Shaw, a speaker at the event, explained that: “You only get one chance at life and it’s far too short to waste it living in pain. How much time are you going to spend pretending that everything is OK? That feeling the way you do is ‘normal’? How many weeks, months and years are you going to let slip by, before you realize you’ve just been surviving? When your body is in pain, it is not at ease. That’s why it’s called dis-ease. Your symptoms are a clue that your body is out of balance. Traditional medicine treats the symptoms, but that’s only half the story. The most effective solution is to address the root cause. Living a life free of pain isn’t difficult when you know the steps to get you there.”
Louise went on to say that it’s time to stop relying on pills and potions to get us through the day. That will only ever be a short-term solution. We owe it to ourselves to seek permanent solutions. Source True Health and you will achieve Real Wealth.
About Louise K. Shaw
Louise K. Shaw is known as The Body Whisperer. Her technique, whilst unusual to the average person, gets incredible results. Her international clients include those suffering with stress, depression, anxiety, PTSD and those living with the effects of bullying and sexual abuse. As an International speaker, she presents in a style that is frank, direct and mixes humor in just the exact amount.
Media Contact
Company Name: Louise K. Shaw
Contact Person: Louise K. Shaw
Phone: + (0) 7456 993 824
State: London
Country: United Kingdom