Commodity price forecast: hydrochloric acid, cyclohexane, and cement are bullish

Hydrochloric acid

Key points of analysis:

On April 17th, the overall price of hydrochloric acid in the domestic market increased by 2.70%. Domestic manufacturers have partially adjusted their factory prices. The upstream liquid chlorine market has recently seen high consolidation, with expectations of an increase and good cost support. The downstream polyaluminum chloride market has recently stabilized at a high level, with polyaluminum chloride manufacturers gradually resuming production and downstream purchasing willingness slightly increasing.

Future Market Forecast:

In the short term, the market price of hydrochloric acid may fluctuate and rise mainly. Upstream liquid chlorine storage is expected to rise, with good cost support, and downstream demand continues to follow.


Key points of analysis:

At present, the price of cyclohexane in the market is rising narrowly, and the prices of enterprises are constantly increasing. The main reason is that the upstream pure benzene price is operating at a high level, and the cyclohexane market price is passively rising to alleviate the pressure on the cost side. The overall market has frequent high prices, low inventory, and strong buying and buying sentiment. Traders have a positive attitude, and the focus of market negotiations is on a high level. In terms of demand, downstream caprolactam shipments are good, prices are strong, and inventory is consumed normally, mainly for rigid demand procurement.

Future Market Forecast:

Downstream demand is still acceptable, while upstream cost side is clearly supported by favorable factors. In the short term, cyclohexane is mainly operated with a strong overall trend

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